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Penguins vs. Possums

“Reading Penguins vs. Possums brought me back to Eastman and Laird’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  Simple, yet smart, and obviously written by guys who love and understand comics.”  – Adam Glass, Supernatural, DC Comics’ Suicide Squad

Since the dawn of time, a secret war has been waged between two species, each determined to annihilate the other.

Throughout the millennia, they have kept their battle confined to the shadows; however, one brazen act has escalated this conflict to a fever pitch. As the world careens toward Armageddon, every human on the planet will soon be forced to CHOOSE A SIDE!

*Featuring pin-up artwork by talented guest contributors, including David Flores (Dead Future King), Lars Cany (Identity Comics), Dan Smith, Daryn Beasley, Josh Hauke (Tales of the Brothers Three), David Scott Smith, Jared Sams, Bryant Dillon (Identity Thief, Something Animal), Emma Steinkellner, David Phillips, Mark Wilson, John and Matt Yuan (Declan and Chang), Kyle Cummings, Paul Wilson, Sarah Braly, Michaela Jane, Chris Thorne, Maggie Jung, and more!

BuyPrintEdition 703

Created by: Sebastian Kadlecik
Written by:
Sebastian Kadlecik, John Bring, and Lindsay Calhoon Bring
Illustrated by: Sebastian Kadlecik and John Bring
Edited by: Sebastian Kadlecik, John Bring, and Lindsay Calhoon Bring

Genre: Action/adventure, comedy
Audience: 10 and up

Printed Price: $19.99 (Volume Two trade paperback)
*Volume One is currently sold out!*

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