‘World War X #1:’ Comic Book Review
Titan Comics introduces another comic book originally published in French with its release of World War X#1. Handling interpreting responsibilities for the first two issues

‘Psycho Pass: Inspector Shinya Kogami Volume 1’ – Trade Paperback Review
After two seasons of the show, one movie, and one heck of a Wiki page perusal, I finally was about to take on the manga,

‘Pacific:’ Graphic Novel Review
Romain Baudy and Martin Trystram’s Pacific left me with the uncanny feeling that there’s something I missed. The graphic novel is a tale of the

‘Rowans Ruin:’ Trade Paperback Review
If you are interested in a suspenseful, horrifying mystery, then Rowans Ruin is the perfect answer to satisfy this craving. BOOM! Studios presents this limited

‘Irredeemable Premier Edition Volume 3:’ Hardcover Review
The world is under attack. Each and every citizen on the planet lives in fear. Any moment death might greet them quickly without warning. Cities

‘Masked #2:’ Comic Book Review
The artwork in Titan Comics’ Masked #2 stands out with large, lively cityscapes that generate a real sense of dimension. Differently angled views of Paris

‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 11 #2’ – Comic Book Review (Close to Home)
As 2016 wraps up, the release of the second issue in Dark Horse Comics’ Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 11 taps into the foreboding and

‘TMNT Universe #5:’ Advance Comic Book Review
Well, the holidays are officially upon us, with less than a week to go before both Christmas and Chanukah have come and gone. But what