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The first time I read Matt Kindt’s Mind MGMT was the first time I had read Matt Kindt’s work. It wasn’t the first time I had my mind wrecked, but it did a pretty good job of wrecking my mind again like it was the first time. Reading through what is now the first Omnibus, a collection of the first two volumes, I’m riveted by how perfect every movement is from Kindt. It’s difficult to compare it to anything else in the comic book world, so, if this were a musical composition, it would be “Rhapsody in Blue,” something in which every note is perfect, inspired, emotional, thoughtful, beautiful, and profound. Mind MGMT is breathless perfection.

The story is about a secret government organization that collects and trains those with what I will refer to as psychic abilities, which is a really tedious way to describe what Kindt brings to life. Most often, the characters have the ability to suggest that power erupts from the users to the nth degree and affects those on the other end in most often horrible ways. This is the stabilizing formula; this is one of the things that grounds this story into plausibility. Governments use psychological warfare all the time, manipulating the flow and structure of power and money to win without ever having to fire a bullet – very much like Russia manipulation of the 2016 election by spreading false information all over the internet. The power of manipulation. The power of suggestion. A very prescient theme.

That’s, however, not what it’s really about. It’s about Meru, and part of the initial enjoyment of this book is figuring things out along with Meru. I won’t say too much more, only that part of any journey is finding your own power to do what needs to be done, and Meru’s is no different on that level.

Kindt’s art is dusty and dirty, like memories. He plays with the format to tinker with your perception of things. Instead of bringing the world to you, he makes you feel as though the world were the comic book. Memories disappear, like the function of art within a panel becomes functionless. This is one of those books where the design functions as part of the world building.

There are so many different brilliant things in this book, from the story itself, to nary a page being wasted, the advertisements, or the words outside the panels adding to the experience of reading the story. It makes it feel like, for a few hours, you’re living in this world.

I would say this is the greatest thing Kindt has ever created, but he’s still creating other pieces of art in comic book form, and I hope he continues to for a long time.

And can I get a poster of the cover of this Omnibus?

Creative Team: Matt Kindt (creator, writer, illustrator), Daniel Chabon (collection editor), Brendan Wright (editor), Ethan Kimberling, Matt Kindt (designer)
Publisher: Dark Horse
Click here to purchase.

Phillip Kelly, Fanbase Press Contributor


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