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Archaia and Jim Henson Studios have created the sequel to the cult classic film, The Dark Crystal, in comic book form in Jim Henson’s The Power of the Dark Crystal. The language of this world lives in dream-like chants, giving it a sacred, poetic quality. Despite the fantasy of this realm, you trust the reality of this world and its people; they are every bit real and rich.

It has been a hundred years since Gelflings Jen and Kira healed the Dark Crystal, vicariously saving their world Thra, with the shard. Now, the world is weakening. Jen and Kira sleep most days and entrust the governing to the Crystalline Eminence. The Crystalline Eminence, without having told Jen and Kira, are taking offerings from the people of the nation to strengthen the Crystal. Enter the Fireling, coming from a dying world that needs the shard to save it. Aughra, the sage, discovers a prophecy around the Fireling: “When feeble shines what once was bright…and secret spheres succumbs to night…one world dies…another made right.” She warns that their world is doomed if the Fireling gets the shard.

Political themes and characters enrich this piece. While some hearken back to the film, such as the Skesis, larger themes of government exploitation run rampant.  I only wish the Skeskis were included more. They return to the world only to be forgotten about; however, I am going to chalk this up to being a continuation and their story is one of the many “to be continued.” Swirling in fire, the Fireling is a feisty character, determined to save her world with the shard. She spends most of her time with Kensho, a local boy Gefling with a heart of gold. These two characters are reminiscent of Jen and Kira from the film, The Dark Crystal. Kenosha, every bit as naive as Jen, to think it is right for him to help the Fireling because she is good. In fact, their storyline in many ways parallels Jen and Kira’s.

Despite the similarities between The Dark Crystal and The Power of the Dark Crystal, I was enthralled. The Power of the Dark Crystal lives up to the legacy of The Dark Crystal and beyond.

Christina Brookman, Fanbase Press Contributor


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