If you’re the type of reader who prefers to wait for the trade paperback over reading issue to issue and you were longing for all four installments of Geek-Girl to become available in a single edition, your time has arrived! As of August 25, 2017, all four chapters can be purchased in a glossy, complete volume, so the entire first arc of Ruby Kaye’s transformation into capable super hero can be yours!
I reviewed each chapter of Geek-Girl as it was initially released, so rather than rehashing my thoughts, I’m going to direct interested readers to the original reviews:
Geek-Girl #1 Review
Geek-Girl #2 Review
Geek-Girl #3 Review
Geek-Girl #4 Review
My re-read of the material flowed much more smoothly when I had the complete story arc in front of me, so even if you’ve read this comic in episodic form, picking up the graphic novel isn’t a bad move. Overall, it’s a fun tale of female empowerment, friendship, and growing up that will touch a chord with anyone who has struggled with finding his or her identity and finding the adult they want to become.
This volume does end on a nasty cliffhanger, so be prepared. If you enjoy the story as much as I did, you’ll be counting down for a new volume of Ruby/Geek-Girl’s adventures as she matures into her own more fully.
4 Cell Phone Pep Talks While in Flight out of 5
Geek-Girl: Volume 1: Lightning Strikes! is out now and available at www.amazon.com and www.geekgirlcomics.com.