With the popularity of Rick and Morty, there are plenty of different ways to get your fix of the hit series. There’s apparel, games, toys, and tons of other media in which to interact with the show. That includes comics, and along with the standalone Oni Press series, the publisher has now begun releasing spin-offs, this time focused on the Pokemon-style mobile game, Pocket Mortys. This collectible game lets you play as Rick as he travels through dimensions, capturing and battling different types of Mortys and becoming the world’s greatest Morty Battler. This is also the experience we get in the new series, as it puts the attention on the original Morty, known as “Plain Morty,” as he fights for his life, attempting to escape from Rick and his quest to collect all the Mortys known to the universe.
The game itself is really fun, and while it’s an obvious knockoff, it’s kind of meant to be. Rick and Morty itself is intentionally derivative, and as meta and full of pop culture references as any show could get. This series allows for some explanation and context as to why the game acts as it does, all with the flair of the animated series and its own ridiculous nature.
Written by Tini Howard, the series starts in typical bizarre fashion and only begins to expand from there. Howard does a great job in this first episode of capturing the voices of the characters, especially that of Morty, who in my head sounded exactly like the shrill whine of series creator Justin Roiland’s trademark character voice. The words read like Morty, and like Rick, and that’s a big part of making this series work. Who knows if this will continue, but so far, Howard’s got the tone down.
The art team does a great job of recreating the environment of the series, as well. Artist Marc Ellerby, as well as colorist Katy Farina, do a terrific job of making the comic book series look like the show’s would, another piece that really adds to the believeability of this miniseries.
While this is the spin-off to a comic based on a mobile game based on a show, it’s a fun read, and I look forward to more. More Rick and Morty will always be welcomed, especially when it starts like this.