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‘Orphans of the Impact Winter #2:’ Comic Book Review

My review of the first issue of Orphans of the Impact Winter compared it to Calvin and Hobbes. While I still think it’s likely that the story and especially the art drew inspiration from Bill Watterson, I also think the comparison may give the wrong impression. While Calvin and Hobbes was lighthearted, funny, and fairly silly, Orphans is a much darker story.

For one thing, our hero, Chuck, is all alone with his dog, Addie, because his parents have died in the apocalypse. They’re struggling to find food and on the brink of starvation. Meanwhile, people are getting murdered in the streets. It’s no wonder Chuck imagines his life as a colorful space adventure. Facing the bleak hopelessness of the real world would be unbearable.

Now in this issue, still struggling to find food, Chuck meets a group of kids who are also on their own, trying to survive. Can they help each other? Can they trust each other?

I’m really enjoying this comic. The contrast of the art styles between the grey, dismal real world and the vibrant, colorful alien fantasy world is really cool. The story moves a bit slowly, but that’s not a bad thing. It’s less about the action and more about getting us immersed in the world—both the real world and the one in Chuck’s mind. It’s also about getting to know the characters, and Chuck in particular. By exploring this world through Chuck’s eyes, it gives it more of an emotional impact as we learn more about him and what’s happened to him.

If you go into this story expecting Calvin and Hobbes, you’re going to be disappointed; however, if you’re looking for a darker, yet thoughtful and occasionally poignant, exploration of loss, isolation, and dealing with the end of the world, then this is definitely the comic for you.

Creative Team: Lee A. Carlisle (story), Ross Carlisle (art), Marina Gonçalves (colors), Marco Ventura (letters)
Click here to purchase.

Steven W. Alloway, Fanbase Press Contributor



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