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It’s no secret how much I love time travel stories. I’ve reviewed quite a few of them over the years, and most of those reviews begin with gushing about how much I love time travel stories. And if you asked me to rank my favorite time travel comics of all time, the original Chrononauts would be pretty close to the top of the list. So, as you can imagine, I was very excited to find out that 1.) there’s a sequel and 2.) all four issues of that sequel are being released at once. I jumped at the chance to review it, and I’m happy to say that it didn’t disappoint.

A few years ago, rock star physicists Quinn and Reilly developed time travel and used it to have epic adventures across history. Now, they’re trying to figure out a way to go into the future. No matter what they do, though, something always seems to go wrong with the experiments—sometimes catastrophically so.

After being bailed out of their latest predicament by none other than Leonardo da Vinci, the duo makes a startling discovery. Time travel to the future was actually developed years ago by their old mentor, Professor Cross, who has managed to build a Utopia in the 23rd century.

Everything is perfect. All disease is instantly curable. Intergalactic space travel is commonplace. War, crime, and poverty are completely eradicated; all it takes are just a few minor adjustments in the past to create an ideal future. Now, Professor Cross is inviting Quinn, Reilly, and their families to join him in this paradise. But is everything as it seems?

What I love about Chrononauts is that Mark Millar creates a world where anything is possible—and then he gives us two protagonists who are just arrogant enough to test the limits of what that means (but not so arrogant as to be obnoxious or unlikable). The result is a story that packs in as much crazy fun as possible. In the first story, that meant doing everything from driving sports cars through the 16th century to supplanting Morrissey as front man for The Smiths. In this new adventure, they get to battle aliens, fight American bombers in Vietnam using lasers, and much more. To tell you too much about it would be doing you a disservice. You’re better off just experiencing it for yourself as you read the comic.

All in all, Futureshock is a worthy successor to the first Chrononauts story arc. The story is largely standalone, so you could read it without knowing the first if you wanted and still be able to follow pretty easily. You really should read both, though. If you’re a fan of wild, crazy time travel adventures, then both Chrononauts and Chrononauts: Futureshock are must-reads.

Creative Team: Mark Millar (writer), Eric Canete (artist), Giovanna Niro (colorist), Peter Doherty (letterer), Officine Bolzoni (design and production), Rachael Fulton (editor), Lucy Millar (CEO), and Pasqual Ferry and Mike Spicer (cover artists)
Publisher: Image Comics
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Steven W. Alloway, Fanbase Press Contributor


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