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Fanboy Comics Interviews Kerem Bursin from Sharktopus

kerem 666The following is an interview with actor Kerem Bursin, who co-stars in the SyFy original film Sharktopus.  Bursin shared his thoughts with Fanboy Comics Managing Editor Barbra Dillon on his Sharktopus character, working with B-movie great Roger Corman, and the challenge of working with CG technology.  Special thanks to Ellen Tremiti for her assistance in securing this interview!

This interview was conducted on Monday, April 4, 2011.



Barbra Dillon, Fanboy Comics: Hi, this is Barbra Dillon with Fanboy Comics.  Today, I have the pleasure of speaking with actor Kerem Bursin, whom fans will know as Andy Flynn from the SyFy original movie Sharktopus.  Kerem, thank you so much for taking time to speak with me today.

Kerem Bursin
: Thank you. It’s my pleasure.

BD: The Fanboy Comics staff had a great time watching your most recent film, Sharktopus.  For those who haven’t yet seen it, how would you describe the film and your character?

KB: You know it’s just a fun… it’s campy, it’s not meant to be taken seriously, I would say.  It’s just like relax and just forget about everything that’s going on.  Just a ridiculous, crazy adventure.  And, as far as the character goes, he’s a cocky guy who, at the end of the day, he means well.

BD: Absolutely.  And, it looked like you guys had a great time filming, and I believe that you filmed in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.  Is that where you filmed the movie?  

KB: Yes, we filmed the entire thing there, and we did a few pick-ups in LA.  It was… I can’t even explain how much fun it was.  It was a crazy shoot, but it was a blast.

BD: Absolutely.  And, you had a great cast with you.  I’m sure that they made for an excellent time, as well.

KB: Definitely.  They were all so great and fun.  Yeah, and this being my first professional thing, because I’ve done student films in the past, it was really cool that everyone had done projects in the past except for me.  I was kind of nervous, but everyone just made me feel so comfortable.  They were good people.

BD: Excellent. That’s really good to hear.  Given that the film’s main creature is a half-shark, half-octopus, a great deal of CG was used in the film.  Was it a challenging experience to act across from a CG character?

KB: Sure. Here and there it was, because no one really knew what it was going to look like, but also the cool thing is that you get to tap into your whole 8-year-old imagination where that’s all you did.  When anyone was a kid, you didn’t have… you faked a gun, you faked bad guys, you jump around your bed and thinking they were buildings, so it was going back to that.  If anyone had a childhood, then you just had plenty of practice.  The whole thing just reminded me of that, you know, when there is nothing there and you’re just all CG, you’re just totally tapping into your imagination.  That there is as fun as it is.

BD: Now when was the first time that you and the other cast members got to see Sharktopus?

: Um… I saw bits of it when we had to do ADR, that’s when I saw actual clips of it.

: Was it a complete shock to see what the actual Sharktopus character looked like?

KB: You know, at the time, I think here and there they were still working on the CG, but it was cool to be like, “Wow – there it is!”  You know, it was very interesting and cool.


sharktopus a5e
BD: Absolutely. Now, Sharktopus’ producer, Roger Corman, is no stranger to the B-movie genre.  In fact, many consider him to be the “King of the Bs.”  Did you have a chance to meet or work with Mr. Corman?

KB: Yeah, I got to meet Roger from day one.  I met Roger when I auditioned.  You know, I’m going to be absolutely honest with you; I didn’t really know who Roger was.  He is a very awesome, very nice guy.  Both Roger and Julie.  Because Julie was very much involved, as well.  Roger’s wife.  They’re both incredible people and I feel very lucky that I could do my first thing with these great people and producers.  You know, Roger was on set for a couple of days.  They both came down to Puerto Vallarta, and it was just very cool.  They’re just very awesome people, very very nice.

BD: That’s very cool.  Now since you’ve made your mark in the B-movie genre, are there any other movie genres that you hope to work in?

KB: You know, I mean, yeah, sure.  I would love to!  I would love to, I mean, yeah.  I wouldn’t mind doing another B movie.  I wouldn’t mind tapping into the mainstream, but it’s all a process.  I’m going with the flow, but, yeah, definitely.  The goal is to do more films, obviously, and then see where it takes me.

BD: Now, when you were studying acting, I believe that you attended Emerson, did you study more theatre or film acting, or do you have a passion for either or both of those?

KB: Hm… went I went to Emerson, I didn’t go for either.  Yeah, no my parents… trust me, I wanted to go for theatre, but my parents, there was just no way.  They just weren’t going to buy it.  They were just like – Nope. You’re going to go to college, you’re going to get a real degree, and then after that, if you want to do the acting thing, go ahead, but you’re going to have a degree.  And, I’m kind of glad that happened, but my main reason for going to Emerson was because I knew they had a rocking film program and an amazing theatre program.  And, I was just like sure, I’m going to get my marketing degree, but I feel like I did way more films, and I did some theatre at Emerson. I just got… I lost myself in the whole film thing.  It was just kind of like a mini-Hollywood, if you will.  It was just an industry in itself, you know.  I was just doing a lot of films and acting, and it was fun. I do love theatre.  I think there’s something great about theatre.  I love both of them.  I like the process of theatre a little better, though.

:  Very cool.  Now lastly, for fans of Andy Flynn and Sharktopus, are there other projects in which we can see you?

KB: Uh, currently, no.  Currently, I’m just… truth be told, I’m going out on auditions and doing the whole auditioning thing and just seeing what will be next.  So, I mean, as well as… there may be the possibility of an independent which I really would love to get involved with.  Doing some independent stuff like Sundance. But, right now, there’s nothing set in stone.

BD: Well, we certainly hope the best for you.  We definitely enjoyed Sharktopus here at Fanboy Comics, and we’ll definitely keep our fingers crossed.  I know that pilot season is going on right now, so we wish you the best as you continue auditioning.

KB: Thank you so much.  Thanks very much.

BD:  Well, Kerem, thank you again so much for taking time to speak with me today.  We do wish you the best of luck on all of your continued success.  

KB: Thanks so much, Barbra.  It was a pleasure.

BD: And, again, this is Barbra Dillon for Fanboy Comics, and I encourage our fans to pick up a copy of Sharktopus on DVD or BluRay.  Thanks again so much, Kerem.

KB: Thank you.

Barbra Dillon is the Managing Editor of Fanboy Comics, an independent comic book publishing company based in Los Angeles, CA.  She has produced numerous short films including Something Animal and Batman of Suburbia, and served as Legal Advisor for the film Walken on Sunshine.  For more interviews, blogs, and reviews by Barbra and the FBC staff, check out the Fanboy Comics website at or sign up for the e-newsletter, The Fanboy Scoop, by emailing

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief




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