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Fanbase Press Interviews Lauren Rock on Boonzy Arts’ Coins of the Forge Kickstarter Campaign

The following is an interview with Lauren Rock, owner of Boonzy Arts Candles, who launched an incredibly successful Kickstarter campaign last year for the “Wheel of Flame” Candle Set. In this interview, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief Barbra Dillon chats with Rock about how the premise of her new Kickstarter campaign, why the Coins of the Forge candles are perfect for gamers and candler lovers alike, the incredible backer rewards available, and more!

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief: Last year, you led an incredible Kickstarter campaign for Boonzy Arts Candles’ Wheel of Flame Candle Set, and now you have returned with another incredible campaign! What can you tell us about this latest project?

Lauren Rock: Our latest campaign is for the Coins of the Forge candle line. Just like the Wheel of Flame line, these candles are meant to enhance your gameplay with evocative scents, beautiful label art, and embedded metal coins from Norse Foundry. Each candle is based on a different common board game genre and includes five coins that can be extracted as the candle burns down.

BD: There are five different candle genres available within this new set. How would you describe each genre, and how did you come to choose them?

LR: The genres came from the wonderful folks at Norse Foundry. They already had these five genres of coins, so it was easy enough to use them as a springboard. As the campaign progresses, we’ll announce stretch goals that include the forging of ALL NEW coins and their corresponding candles.

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BD: The custom-made coins inside each candle are simply amazing! Can you share details on the coins’ creator with us, as well as insight into their creation?  

LR: Norse Foundry is the company that makes these RPG coins. They also make the dice I use in the Wheel of Flame line. When I was researching metal dice for that project, I got in touch with Drew Foulke at Norse Foundry, and they were very excited about the project. Since the Wheel of Flame Kickstarter ended, we’ve discussed other collaborations, and that’s how Coins of the Forge was born!

BD: The Wheel of Flame candles were perfect for enhancing the atmosphere of an RPG campaign. Who might enjoy this latest set of geeky candles?

LR: We think people who play RPG campaigns, board games, and all manner of tabletop games will love using these candles as a way to enhance the atmosphere. People who like to upgrade the existing elements of the games will enjoy being able to use the metal coins in place of the paper or cardboard ones included with the games. And people who just like uniquely scented candles can enjoy these, as well!

BD: Having launched your new Kickstarter campaign, what are some of the fun backer rewards that are available to those who contribute?

LR: We’re offering single candles or the full set of five. Backers can also choose a single candle plus 10 more coins, or the full set with 50 more coins. We’ll also have loads of add-on opportunities when the campaign has ended.

BD: Are there any upcoming conventions or other outlets where our readers will be able to find your work?

LR: We’re hoping to be at Comikaze in Los Angeles this year. We’re also looking into other conventions in the Los Angeles area in the next few months, but we don’t have anything confirmed yet.

BD: Can you give us the inside scoop on any upcoming candle themes or scents?

LR: If the Kickstarter is successful, I will have my hands full creating the Coins of the Forge line and probably won’t create any new ones until next year. I still have yet to get that Buffy candle figured out–got any ideas???

BD: Lastly, what is the best way for our readers to find out more about Boonzy Arts Candles?

LR: You can visit out site and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief




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