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The following is an interview with Eisner Award-winning artist Dave Dorman regarding the upcoming launch of a Zoop crowdfunding campaign for the hardcover art book, Oil & Water: The Art of Dave Dorman. In this interview, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief Barbra Dillon chats with Dorman about his experience in revisiting his body of work in preparation for the hardcover collection, the incredible backer rewards that will be available to readers, and more!

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief: You will soon be launching a Zoop crowdfunding campaign for your hardcover art book. As you look ahead to the combined collection, what has been your experience in revisiting your body of work?

Dave Dorman: Revisiting old work is always eyeopening. On one hand, its easy to see the development of the art over time, stylistically and professionally. On the other hand is seeing how my career has moved over the years, Involving so many publishers and varied projects. It also allows me to bring back memories of specific projects and hurdles I might have made in getting them done. Being self-taught (for the most part), I can see now, many years on, how inexperienced I was in some of those early pieces compared to the painting knowledge I have now.

BD: For over three decades, your work has spanned the pages of the most well-known publishers and comic book titles. Was there anything in particular about the sequential art medium that attracted you more than other artistic media?

DD: Comics have always been in my life since as far back as I can remember. When I was 5-6, I remember taking my brothers’ comics and looking at them. Not reading them, I couldn’t really at that time, but the art mesmerized me. And it still wasn’t till a few years later that I actually started to read the comics I admired from the art alone. But certainly the artists of that period – Buscema, Kubert, Steranko, Kirby, Kane, and so many more – influenced me in my development of my art. Even though I moved into painting later in my interest, sequential art has been in my blood. Now, instead of many panels to tell a story, I give the viewer a single illustration to tell a part of the story.

BD: In revisiting your work, was there anything new or intriguing that you took away from the material that you hadn’t anticipated when originally creating it?

DD: Not really, though it was fun to see my development over time. The experience of learning how to tell a story in a single illustration, the stylistic techniques get deeper and more complicated. While it might be interesting to do a book chronologically of my art from student to now, it would be completely boring for the first 10 years! It’s best I sprinkle older work in with the modern and current work to hold your attention.

alien fight

BD: Are there any specific backer rewards that you’re most excited about with the campaign and wish to share with readers?

DD: As an artist I always look forward to painting more. And obviously sharing my art. The ones I’m looking forward to are the private commissions I’m offering as backer add-ons, as well as the availability of offering, for sale, art that is actually published in this book, both old and new. Trading cards and other goodies will be available.

BD: Are there any other projects – past, current, or future – that you would like to highlight for our readers?

DD: Well, obviously, I have many fans of my most popular works… Star Wars, Aliens, Predator, Indiana Jones, Batman, GI JOE, etc., but the most exciting thing for me is to be able to show my personal art. Work I do for myself when I have some free time. I have a lot of that sitting in the studio where no one can see. I think, or I hope, that will be a highlight for my fans. To be able to see what I’m interested in besides the fun licensed paintings I’ve been doing my whole career as a freelance illustrator.

BD: Lastly, what would you like to tell fans who want to learn more about Oil & Water and your other work?

DD: I hope fans will sign up for the pre-release newsletter to get release info on the book, as well as following on my Instagram and Meta/Facebook pages.

I will be doing live broadcasts and posting new and older art for promotion and actually painting live a couple new pieces to be included in the book and for sale!

I do hope everyone will take a look!

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief

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