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The following is an interview with Jason Lenox regarding the Kickstarter campaign launch for the fifth issue of the comic book series, Lords of the Cosmos. In this interview, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief Barbra Dillon chats with Lenox about his shared creative experience in bringing the world and characters to life, the incredible backer rewards available for supporters, and more!

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief: You recently launched a Kickstarter campaign to crowdfund the fifth issue of Lords of the Cosmos. For those who may be new to the series, what can you tell us about its premise, and where will readers pick up with this latest issue?

Jason Lenox: Lords of the Cosmos is a 1980s toy and cartoon-inspired anthology comic book that takes place on a fantastic world of magic and technology under siege by savage villains where ancient heroes have to return to save the world!

BD: How would you describe your shared creative process in bringing this world and characters to life on the page, and do you find that you have developed a creative “shorthand” with writers Dennis Fallon and Jason Palmatier given your past work together?

JL: Dennis, Jason, and I have worked for eight years building this world and the characters that inhabit it. We have a great rapport where we aren’t afraid to give each other constructive criticism to make the best possible stories. We have been able to include many other artists and writers into our creative process which enables us to collaborate with new talents to make an even better comic book series for the readers.

BD: What are you most excited for readers to experience with this latest issue of the series, and do you hope to continue into additional story arcs of the world and characters if given the opportunity?

JL: This is a big issue with 44 interior pages over three different stories. The main story picks up where the last issue left off and leaves us with another great cliffhanger. Zemba’s origin story is a one-off that ties into stories from issues two, four, and five… while the final story, Pulse Part 1, is going to be a story that will go several parts over a few issues. As long as the readers keep supporting us, we can keep Lords of the Cosmos going to the ending we have in mind for these characters.

BD: Are there any specific backer rewards that you’re most excited about with the Kickstarter campaign?

JL: We have some really good catch-up digital and physical tiers, so new readers can get up to speed with issues 1-4… I also really think the most interesting reward is the limited custom toy sculpts of Zemba from Erich Adie.

BD: Are there any other projects that you want to highlight for readers?

JL: I am a huge fan of old-school anime, and I love seeing re-releases like this … I also recommend Lovecraft P.I. which has a new book launching soon, and you can follow it here

BD: Lastly, what would you like to tell fans who want to learn more about Lords of the Cosmos and your other work?

JL: If you like classic 1980s like He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Flash Gordon, Thundarr the Barbarian ,and Thundercats, you will love this book… but if you are a new reader that just wants a great book, Lords of the Cosmos can easily stand on its own merits as an amazing read even if you don’t have a nostalgic connection to an era of action figures and Saturday morning cartoons! Thank you very much!!!

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief

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