Star Wars has had some incredible parental role models throughout the years. After The Bad Batch came onto the scene, Clone Force 99 expanded their particular set of skills once Omega came into their lives, becoming her guardians. The highly trained squad of clone troopers had to adapt to life on the run after breaking free from the mind-control chips that turned the other clones against the Jedi with Order 66.
Despite Hunter being the leader, Wrecker, Tech, Echo, and Crosshair all had a part in Omega’s well-being throughout the course of the show’s three seasons. Yes, Hunter is clearly the biggest part of “The Dad Batch,” but each person cared for Omega in some way, while also being there to teach her new skills.

Loss Does Not Mean the End
Tech did many things, and training Omega was one of them. He was great at calculations, flight, and trying to ensure a successful conclusion to each mission. Episode 4 of the second season, “Faster,” indicated Tech’s desire to do whatever it takes to finish a mission, despite the inherit dangers. Jumping into a pod racing competition is one thing, but doing it on the fly and finding a way to win is completely different.
The sense of ingenuity and devotion from Tech further pushes Omega in ways where she’s always looking for a way to solve the problem at hand. Even if the odds are against her – or the entire team – she believes she can find a way to solve whatever puzzle is in front of her. So, when Tech dies after sacrificing himself in the season 2 finale, the grief is overwhelming. She loves Tech, like she does the others, so understanding what he did for the group is emotional, while also being a powerful reminder of who he was as a character.
When Hunter told her to leave after Cid betrayed them, she went back for them because she believed she could save them. When hope was lost and she was captured, there was a sense of her needing to break free, but only if that meant saving Crosshair, too. Despite the odds, and Tech’s death, Omega pushes through whatever obstacles are in her way and is willing to put herself in harm’s way (just like Tech) to do what’s best for the team.
There’s an incredible level of maturity with Omega and that’s a quality that cannot go unstated in The Bad Batch series. Even in the face of extreme loss and grief, she moves forward in life in a way that honors him, while also staying true to who she is.

Sometimes, People Are Just Who They Are
Is it possible we all (or any of us) believed that Cid would do right by the Bad Batch? Maybe it was all just blind hope that she wouldn’t turn on them, instead showing “tough love” or finding ways to help Omega and the others. But there was always her mentality of Cid’s way or the highway, regardless of any reservations from the others. If there was ever a viewer’s sense of the Force (or having a feeling of what’s going on in the universe), it would’ve been with Cid.
There definitely was a feeling of a “disturbance” within Cid’s presence. Despite any of the help she offered some of our favorite clones in a galaxy far, far away, it never felt comforting. There was always this feeling of the inevitable – her betrayal. So, when it did happen in the season 2 finale, it wasn’t a surprise. It still was awful to watch, almost heartbreaking, but there are times when we recognize that people will sometimes never change who they are or what they’re about.
Cid’s underlying principle was aimed at protecting her bottom line. If it kept her business open and making profit, she would cross any moral line to keep that reality in place. It is important for little ones to understand how there can be wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing in the real world. She helped when it was good for her, but when it wasn’t, she turned on her “friends.” Animated or not, it’s important to see those intentions from people – and hopefully recognize to stay away. Or in some cases, walk away after being burned.

Kids Need to Be Kids
It can sometimes be difficult to remember the age of our kids. They can be extremely bright, mature, and handle responsibilities, but they also need downtime, friendships, and playtime. The season 2 episode, “Pabu,” is a great reminder of how mature Omega is, and all that she does, but there’s a realization of her being able to shed those heavy responsibilities and be a kid.
Star Wars does handle some very serious topics, but The Bad Batch reminds us that a kid is very much involved in that process of saving the galaxy – and that’s quite a tall task for someone so young. It doesn’t mean she can’t handle it or is incapable; it’s more of a reminder that our kids need as many opportunities to be kids, have fun, laugh, and spend time with friends who make them feel good.
Yes, they help with dishes and cleaning off the table and straightening up around the house, but sometimes, it’s okay to say, “Don’t worry about it. Go have fun.”

Hunter Always Supporting Omega
The last sequence in the season 3 finale of The Bad Batch presents a much older Omega and Hunter. She’s trying to help the rebellion by becoming a pilot for their cause. Hunter wants to keep Omega safe; he’s always wanted to keep her safe. But there have been times when he’s had to rely on her and her judgment.
Seeing her grown up and wanting to make a choice on her own, free from the Batch, means she’s old enough to determine what’s right for her. Omega wants to help those who need help. She wants to fight back against the ever-present threat we know all too well in the Star Wars galaxy – an oppressive Empire aimed at extending its reach while holding ultimate power over everyone.
Hunter doesn’t want Omega to get hurt or worse. As a parent, that is one of the ultimate goals we all seek for our children: To keep them safe, healthy, and happy. One of the other goals is to see them grow up able to make responsible decisions, know right from wrong, and be kind. In all of that, Omega seems to have such a great understanding about who she is, those that brought her to that moment in time, and knowing she wants to help others just like Clone Force 99 helped her.
It’s a wonderful (and scary) full circle. Wonderful to see Omega know what she’s willing to do to help those in need; terrifying to realize the price it might cost in the end. Hope is an incredible force in Star Wars (and the real world) – and, hopefully, that feeling will never fade in the stories we tell.

Storytelling at Its Best for Everyone to Enjoy
One important thing that should not be lost on fans of Star Wars is that animation is a powerful medium for telling incredible stories. Not only does The Bad Batch continue a great legacy behind The Clone Wars and Rebels, it builds on a world we love so much. This series is another wonderful opportunity for parents and their kiddos to spend time together and watch dramatic stories, teachable moments, and beloved characters.
The Bad Batch is a must-watch series for Star Wars fans of all (or most) ages. It presents great action sequences, while creating characters truly worth rooting for, or on the other hand, hoping to never see again – I’m looking at you, Hemlock. Everyone can learn something from the stories we watch or read, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that this series checks all of those important boxes that highlight why stories matter.
This lovable band of outcasts might’ve gotten their start in the final season of The Clone Wars, but they have enriched the meaning of hope, while discussing what it means to be a family. They want to complete their missions, sure, but they also fight for those that need help and they look out for each other even when one doesn’t feel they’re worthy of that devotion. It can be difficult to see the good in ourselves, but when you have others treat you like you are good and worthy (like Omega with Crosshair), it makes it so much easier for anyone to value that message.
If you’re a fan of The Bad Batch, what important lessons have you or your kiddos taken away from the animated series? Share your thoughts with us here or head over to Facebook or Twitter where you can also share with all of your friends.
Until next time, happy parenting and happy geeking.