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#CrowdfundingFridays: ‘Save Zombie Boy,’ ‘Tales of the Fractured Mind,’ ‘Home #5,’ and ‘Shaolin Grandmaster Killer Vol. 1’

Here at Fanbase Press, we strive to provide an outlet for up-and-coming creators to promote and showcase their incredible works. With thousands of creators utilizing crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo to make those works a reality, we will highlight these talented creators and their noteworthy campaigns through #CrowfundingFridays! We hope that you will join us in giving these projects a moment of your time (and possibly your support)!

Project #1: Save Zombie Boy
What it’s about: I’m Mark Stokes, creator of the Harvey Award-nominated webcomic, Zombie Boy Comics. This year is Zombie Boy‘s 30th Anniversary. I created him in 1987 and since then he has been published in his own series of comic books and as an online comic strip since 2010. In 2015, I Kickstarted a book collection of my online comic strips. In 2013, in an attempt to file for a trademark for “Zombie Boy,” I was informed that a company was already in the process of applying for the “Zombie Boy” trademark in four goods and services classes including publications, merchandising and all manner of media. The trademark applicant has recently filed a Notice of Publication, the final stage before they are given the trademark, and I’ve since filed an extension of time to file an Opposition. I have until April 1, 2017, to make that filing. I need to hire a lawyer and raise enough capital to oppose and apply for the trademark in my name, if I want to continue using the name Zombie Boy as I have been. I am blessed that I am able to make my living as an artist, but now I’m fighting a battle that is beyond my financial means. Zombie Boy and I have taken a lifelong journey together, and if I don’t fight, I could lose the right to publish this character who I have worked with for over half of my life. Please help save Zombie Boy!

Click here to visit the Go Fund Me campaign.

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Project #2: Tales of the Fractured Mind
What it’s about: Tales of the Fractured Mind is an anthology of stories about the cause and effects of mental health.
The coolest backer reward: Delving Deeper into the Fractured Mind which features a physical copy of Tales of the Fractured Mind + PDF Script and PDF Sketch Book + A set of five A6 art cards + A4 poster (Five to choose from!)

Click here to visit the Kickstarter campaign.

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Project #3: Home #5: Understanding
What it’s about: The final issue of Elysia’s story in Home is here! Will you help us complete the series?
The coolest backer reward: You can be drawn into the comic!

Click here to visit the Kickstarter campaign.

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Project #4: Shaolin Grandmaster Killer Vol. 1
What it’s about: Shaolin Grandmaster Killer is a comic book series about the life of evil Kung Fu master Gu, who is living in a post-apocalyptic world full of kaiju, giant robots, and mutants. It’s a big, oversized perfect-bound book with 84 heavy, high-quality pages packed with detailed, black-and-white artwork of post-apocalyptic Kung Fu madness!
The coolest backer reward: 20 HIT COMBO (20 € / 21,25 $) includes – 1 physical copy of SGK #1 signed by the creator (including a small print & 3 trading cards). It’s like pre-ordering the book, but signed.

Click here to visit the Kickstarter campaign.

If you have a crowdfunding campaign that you would like to have included in Fanbase Press’ #CrowdfundingFridays series, please contact barbra (at) fanbasepress (dot) com for details.

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief




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