It’s Time for Fanbase Press’ SDCC 2018 Giveaway! Enter to Win! – WINNERS ANNOUNCED
WINNERS ANNOUNCED BELOW Dear Fanbase Press Readers: The Fanbase staff has fully recovered from the geek pilgrimage that is San Diego Comic-Con, and, as usual,
WINNERS ANNOUNCED BELOW Dear Fanbase Press Readers: The Fanbase staff has fully recovered from the geek pilgrimage that is San Diego Comic-Con, and, as usual,
If you didn’t see the 2010 Disney film, Tangled, then I can confidently say you’re missing out. Of the modern Disney films, it stands near
Adulthood is often ripe for disappointment. It’s not just about learning that taxes are a thing for everyone, but about having to accept certain realities
At San Diego Comic-Con 2018, Fanbase Press’ Bryant Dillon talks with co-director Jake Castorena (Justice League Action, Scooby-Doo & Batman: The Brave and the Bold)
At San Diego Comic-Con 2018, Fanbase Press’ Bryant Dillon talks with actor Helen Slater (City Slickers, The Secret of My Success) about her work on
At San Diego Comic-Con 2018, Fanbase Press’ Bryant Dillon talks with actor Marc McClure (Superman, Back to the Future) about his work on Supergirl (1984),
At San Diego Comic-Con 2018, Fanbase Press’ Bryant Dillon talks with comic creator Dennis Culver (Edison Rex: Heir Apparent, Robocop: Dead or Alive) about his
The following is an interview with Mike Ragsdale regarding the upcoming release of the graphic novel, Holier Than Thou. In this interview, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief Barbra
Hello, Wonder kids! Welcome to Wonder Woman Wednesday. I’m Michael Troy, and I’ll be your tour guide for the next three or four paragraphs. So,
One of the things about serialized stories is that if there is a break in the story, then the viewer or consumer can become disinterested
The following is an interview with Dylan Meconis, Ben Coleman, EA Denich, and M. Victoria Robado regarding the recent release of the comic book series,
Whenever I crack open a volume of Kengo Hanazawa’s brilliant I Am a Hero, I have no idea where we’re going to start and where