Steven Prince, the creator of Monster Matador – the epic saga of a faith-based man fighting the monsters attacking our world to protect his daughter – decided to invite fellow creator Ryland Grant (Aberrant) to write a very different type of story in the Monster Matador universe. When a monster attacks Hollywood, who better to face it than the many aspects of comic book, TV, and movie legend, Batman? The only problem? The actors who portrayed the Caped Crusader don’t have any of Bruce Wayne’s gadgets; they just have his ego and money!
How much trouble can a cadre of egomaniac Hollywood A-listers get into when they let themselves believe they really are superheroes (since they played one in a movie)? Steven Prince and Ryland Grant tackle this head on in Tales from the World of Monster Matador’s first installment, “The Darkest Knight Returns.” Christian Bale, George Clooney, Val Kilmer, Michael Keaton, and Ben Affleck face off to fight the monster threatening Hollywood with darkly hilarious results.
The tone of “The Darkest Knight Returns” feels completely different from the main Monster Matador series. This is not about the power of faith and humanity; this is tongue-in-cheek dark humor about the thin line between fantasy and reality. (Okay, it’s also poking a lot of fun at actors who get a little too into their roles.) This comic is irreverent, disturbing, dark, and oh so funny if you have a slightly skewed sense of humor.
The art and color for “The Darkest Knight Returns” adds to the twisted plot, since I could easily identify each Hollywood Batman before he was named by the dialogue. It was clear that Prince was having fun with this story and trying to use stereotypical aspects of each actor to make him recognizable.
Tales from the World of Monster Matador: The Darkest Knight Returns won’t be for all readers, but I gasped and laughed hysterically when I realized where the story was headed. If you enjoy dark humor, critique of the movie industry, and a twisted take on how method acting could go wrong, then pick this up! It’ll stick with you long after the last page is turned.
4.5 “Modified” Bat Signals out of 5
Creative Team: Steven Prince (Writer, artist), Ryland Grant (Writer), Iwon Joko Triyono (Colorist)
Publisher: 2510 Press and Half Evil Comics
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