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‘Red City #4:’ Advance Comic Book Review

Red City #4 written by Daniel Corey and with art by Anthony Diecidue is coming out tomorrow and wraps up the first arc of this exciting, new comic with a big, bright bow on top.  It’s the last act of the story, and there’s a lot of ground to cover, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t time for a firefight and some fisticuffs.  This issue feels a little rushed compared to the three previous, but it gives us a satisfying conclusion and will leave you hankering for the next arc.

I don’t want to say too much about the story, but I can say that all of the loose ends get tied up in one way or another.  Corey’s writing is as fun as ever, mixing humor,gravitas, and wit into a delicious noir stew with a sci-fi kick.  Diecidue’s art seems to test the panel’s boundaries on each page.  Despite the sometimes sketchy nature of his style, he draws you into the story and uses small details to help clarify a complex plot.

I did find myself having to revisit earlier issues to remind myself of a few characters who made reappearances in the last issue.  It’s a struggle with reading comics month to month, but Corey, Diecidue, and Mark Dos Santos (the artist on the first two issues) have built a world that is engaging, enjoyable, and as full of twists and turns as Mulholland Drive.  Check it out if you’re a fan of noir, sci-fi, or just darn good storytelling.  Issue four from Image Comics comes out Wednesday, September 17th, so make sure to pick it up at your local comic shop.

Sam Rhodes


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