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3 Comics You Can’t Miss! 5/9/12 Advance Comic Reviews

WolverineAndTheXMen 10 CoverFanboy Comics Contributor Jason Enright brings you his top comic book picks for the week.



Frankenstein Alive, Alive #1
by Steve Niles and Bernie Wrightson

Steve Niles and Bernie Wrightson tell an incredible, heartbreaking story of Frankenstein’s monster. Wrightson absolutely nails the art in this book. The monster shows an incredible amount of emotion, and, although it’s strange to say, is incredibly human. Niles has crafted an amazing tale of the monster’s life after the initial story we all know. This book is proof of just how amazing comics can be. The story builds a slow dramatic tension and the art is breathtaking. If you are a fan of classic horror tales, or just a fan of beautiful comics, then you cannot miss this book.

Green Lantern #9
by Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke

Geoff Johns has done it again. I had given up on the Green Lantern book, turned my back, walked away. Then, he started this new story arc and promised to reveal the secrets of the mysterious Indigo Tribe, and he sucked me right back in. Johns does an amazing job creating mythos for his Green Lantern universe. This issue suddenly fills in the pasts of these characters while prophesying their future. It’s incredible storytelling. Of course, Doug Mahnke is no slouch in the art, and there’s enough action in the story so that he always has something cool to draw. As long as Geoff Johns continues to expand the Green Lantern universe and craft interesting tales like this, I’ll be reading and you should, too.

Wolverine and the X-Men #10
by Jason Aaron, Chris Bachalo, and Tim Townsend

Avengers vs. X-Men has been big, flashy, and full of fights, but the real heart of the story has been unfolding the tie-in books. This issue of Wolverine and the X-Men is no exception. Cyclops has come to Wolverine’s school to make one last plea to get Logan to join his side and help the X-Men. What follows is a real heart-to-heart where each side lays out their feelings, concerns, and plans to the other. It’s the grown up talk that has been missing from the main AvX series. Sure, a whole lot doesn’t change by the end of the issue, but it’s nice to finally see some of the emotional impact of the huge fights going on in the other books. Plus, this book actually shows both sides of this argument in reasonable and understandable ways, which is something that has been sorely lacking from AvX. Pick up this book if you want to see the heartbreaking decision laid out before the X-Men, and why each of these heroes chooses the side they do.


Jason Enright, Fanbase Press Senior Contributor


  Favorite Superhero: Cyclops Favorite Animal: Anklyosaurus Favorite Game: Pathfinder RPG


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