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3 Comics You Can’t Miss! 3/21/12 Advance Comic Reviews

Spiderman 682Fanboy Comics Contributor Jason Enright brings you his top comic book picks for the week.


Amazing Spider-Man #682
by Dan Slott, Stefano Caselli, and Frank Martin, Jr.

Dan Slott did something really unique with the Spider-Man franchise last year; he made Peter Parker grow up, get a job, and start being responsible. This may seem silly, since we know Spider-Man’s motto is “With great power comes great responsibility”, but the deal with Spidey has always been that while he’s very responsible and does the right thing, this often comes at the expense of Peter Parker. In Dan Slott’s “Big Time” storyline, Peter decided that maybe if he became a better man, then he could also be a better Spider-Man. He would utilize Spider-Man’s scientific breakthroughs designed to defeat super villains, and turn them into commercial products that Peter Parker could use to better the world and make some money for himself. Spider-Man and Peter Parker have both been doing very well, and even made a promise to never let anyone die on their watch again. Enter Spider-Man’s nemesis Doctor Octopus and an alliance of various villains with a vile plan that puts the whole world at risk. Looks like while Spider-Man has been stepping up his game, so have the Sinister Six. This is the awesome set up to this spring’s big event “The Ends of the Earth.” Dan Slott teams with regular series artist Stefano Caselli for an action-packed, world-spanning adventure filled with super science, heroic team ups, and dastardly villains. If you are totally new to Spider-Man, or an old fan, you will not want to miss this awesome issue that serves as a great jumping on point.

Smoke and Mirrors #1
by Mike Costa, Jon Armstrong, and Ryan Browne

Mike Costa’s Smoke and Mirrors is awesome. It’s an intriguing new world with limitless possibilities filled with intriguing characters. Much of this first issue is used to introduce us to his unique setting and the main character, but he does it in an organic and interesting way. What makes this book awesome is that it unfolds slowly, and, like a good illusion, it draws you in. Before you know it, he’s turned the tables on you and not everything is what it seems. Ryan Browne’s art is great, too, and he’s put a lot of detail into his facial expressions which support the strong characters well. The coolest thing about this book, though, is that Costa has worked with an actual illusionist to insert a magic trick into every issue. It’s a clever trick and really fills the book with a sense of wonder. If you’re looking for a fun new world to dive into, then make sure you pick up Smoke and Mirrors.

Wonder Woman #7
by Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang

The second arc of Wonder Woman promises to introduce us to even more cool interpretations of the Olympic gods as Diana prepares to venture into Hades to retrieve her lost friend. Before she can take on Hell itself, she must first visit the armorer of the gods and equip her and her allies for the journey. Azzarello does a good job of keeping the action going in what could be a quiet set up story, but where he really shines is giving us strong character interactions that give us a more in depth look into the kind of hero Diana is, and how much more she still has to learn. Of course, you can’t talk about this new Wonder Woman book without talking about Chiang’s art. His panels and action scenes are awesome, but he really shines in his character designs. No two gods have been alike, and even though he reinterprets them into his world, he always manages to incorporate aspects of their mythology into his modern take. If you missed the first arc, this issue is a great jumping on point, and don’t forget to pick up the trade of the first six issues when it comes out this May.

Jason Enright, Fanbase Press Senior Contributor


  Favorite Superhero: Cyclops Favorite Animal: Anklyosaurus Favorite Game: Pathfinder RPG


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