At the Ends of the Earth is the latest short comic from Jesse Young (Android Jones, Here We Go). “It tells the story of a family who goes on a summer vacation at a cabin in the mountains. Their two daughters Stella & Grace aren’t exactly excited about a family trip with no Wi-Fi or friends. They decide to explore the woods and make the best of the situation and are surprised by what they find hidden deep in the mountains.”
There’s a lot I love about this short. First off, the setting. I’ve always had a fascination with the woods and enjoy cutting myself off from technology from time to time. This made me think of a great camping trip I took in the California Redwoods last year. I had a blast and was able to get a lot of work done on a story of my own. Jesse and the artist, Savanna Ganucheau, really captured the essence of being cut off from society. Secondly, I absolutely love a good adventure story, and this delivers on all fronts.
Jesse does a great job giving each of the sisters distinct personalities. Grace is addicted to technology and being in constant contact with her friends, whereas Stella still loves reading books and playing games . . . you know, human interaction. That thing we used to do as a society before we became glued to a bunch of screens. But, I digress. Stella and Grace are great characters. After I read it (here, by the way), the writer in me loved it the way it is, but the audience member in me wanted more.
Savanna’s artwork really brings this story to life. I don’t want to spoil anything, so I’m just gonna say that the last page left me in awe. Returning to collaborate with Jesse is letterer Thomas Mauer. After you’re done reading At the Ends of the Earth, give Jesse’s awesome words of advice about letterers a read.
Great work all around by Jesse & Co. It really brought out the sense of adventure in me and some fond memories of camping.