When Fanboy Comics is not providing you with the latest in geek news and entertainment, the FBC staff hopes to offer our readers a myriad of opportunities to give back to the community. We love reading comics, watching movies, and playing video games, but we are never happier than when we are able to help others in need. With Geeks Care: How You Can Help, FBC will provide you a variety of causes that would greatly appreciate your time.
With each new edition of Geeks Care: How You Can Help, the Fanboy Comics staff hopes to offer various opportunities to give back to your community and get involved. With the holidays fast approaching and the hustle and bustle of our daily lives getting even more hustle-y and bustle-y, it can be easy to forget that there are individuals who may not have the same good health and good fortune that we often take for granted. It’s at this festive time of year that it becomes even more important for us to take a moment to share our blessings with those less fortunate. For that reason, this will be the first of TWO Geeks Care articles featured on Fanboy Comics this week, and we’ll be highlighting the generous efforts of the fine folks at Blastoff Comics, as well as providing you with an opportunity to send a bit of holiday cheer to a little girl who would truly benefit from knowing that she has many friends – near and far – on her side.
Our first focus is Blastoff Comics, a top-of-the-line comic book shop in North Hollywood, CA. Blastoff stocks both current comics and graphic novels, as well as an astonishing collection of vintage comics for sale, providing customers with rarities that they just cannot find anywhere else. What truly makes Blastoff and its owners, Jud Meyers and Scott Tipton, stand out is their commitment to helping others in need. A portion of all of their proceeds are donated to charity, with the recipients changing on a monthly basis.
For the holidays, Blastoff and its staff went above and beyond to ensure that everyone benefited from an outpouring of holiday cheer. The team recently visited the LAC+USC Medical Center in Los Angeles, CA, to give their youngest patients the superhero treatment. In conjunction with the non-profit organization, Elizabeth’s Canvas, super-helpers Captain America, Black Widow, Batman, and Starlord trick-or-treated with excited youngsters while providing yummy candy and free comics books! You can learn more about Blastoff Comics and its monthly contributions by visiting www.blastoffcomics.com and checking out the video of the team in action below.
As our second focus for the week, we at Fanboy Comics recently learned about Safyre, a little girl who is the only survivor of an arson attack that claimed the lives of her family. In addition, Safyre sustained serious burns from the fire which scarred her body and required the amputation of her right hand and left foot. In spite of these hardships, five-year-old Safyre remains positive and upbeat, but she could certainly benefit from knowing that there are a vast number of kind people out there who are sending good thoughts her way.
The members of her community are endeavoring to have folks far and wide send Safyre holiday cards this year to show her all of the good that is in the world. If you would like to send a holiday card to Safyre, please address it to:
P.O. Box 6126
Schenectady, NY 12306
As the holidays approach, we at Fanboy Comics hope that you will join us in sharing good tidings with as many people as possible.
If you have a volunteer opportunity or an important cause that could use the assistance of a few geeks, please email the details to barbra (at) fanboycomics.net.