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Throughout the past year, production company Section 3 Films and filmmaker AJ Martinson have been hard at work on the upcoming feature film, Red Fish Blue Fish.  Marketed as a ultra low-budget, 1963 Cold War spy thriller, Red Fish Blue Fish is set to be an action-packed, high-stakes political thriller, using real, historical events to create a plausible story that could (and may) have happened.  With a cast in place, the set pieces nearly completed, and filming already underway, Section 3 Films and Martinson have launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise the necessary funds to complete their production, and they need your help to make their dream a reality. 


With Red Fish Blue Fish as his first feature film, Martinson has already drawn acclaim to the project, as it was selected for Panavision’s “New Filmmaker Program” – a highly competitive grant allowing us to film on an Arri Alexa with Panavision Primo Lenses.  With the political machinations of 1963 as the stage, the film will pit American operatives and military industrialists against one another, as they race against the clock to stop an international incident, which threatens the very existence of the world.  More information regarding the film and an exclusive clip are available below. 

Be sure to visit the Red Fish Blue Fish Indiegogo page, and don’t forget to check out the backer rewards, which include digital and DVD copies of the film, props from the film, Associate Producer credit, and more!

The campaign closes on Wednesday, May 18th, so be sure to donate soon!

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Red Fish Blue Fish Exclusive Clip – Night Raid from AJ Martinson on Vimeo.

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief

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