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The Kickstarter Report: ‘Super Zero’

A geeky, shy, and terminally ill teen rises from utter insignificance to become a Zombie Assassin and mankind’s last hope for survival.  If the concept of this film has piqued your interest, then the filmmakers behind the independent film Super Zero are looking for your help to fund the production of the film through KickstarterSuper Zero is a film that celebrates the average, the eccentric, and the powerless.  No matter how much you may think that you will never have your moment to shine, the film’s creators do not want you to lose hope.  It’s time to show that the ordinary can also be extraordinary!

Super Zero writer/director Mitch Cohen is attempting to raise $34,500 through Kickstarter prior to August 1st, and you can play a part in making this dream a reality.

If successful in reaching its campaign goal, all of Super Zero‘s Kickstarter funds will be put towards the production costs of the film.  You can learn more about the film’s creators and the behind-the-scenes process of making the film through the below video.

Be sure to visit the Super Zero Kickstarter page, and don’t forget to check out the backer rewards, which include Blu-ray copies of the film, behind-the-scenes videos, signed scripts, limited edition t-shirts, and Executive Producer credit on the film!  These are only a handful of the amazing rewards available.  The campaign closes on Thursday, August 1st, so be sure to donate soon! 



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Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief




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