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Ep. #012 FBC Presents: Camden Toy on Monsters, Make-Up, Acting, and More

FBC Presents is a podcast series featuring long-form interviews with intriguing guests from every corner of Geekdom, including everyone from the average geek to Fanboy Comics staff members to leading professionals in comics, film, and other mediums and industries.

In this episode, FBC President Bryant Dillon talks with actor, writer, and film editor Camden Toy about his extensive film and television career, his work on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, and much more.

Cast member: Bryant Dillon

Special guest: Camden Toy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, The Bay)


Mentioned Links:

 – Episode #130 of The Fanboy Scoop: Week in Review Podcast (Guests Camden Toy and Georges Jeanty)

Sign-off Song:

– “Slayer Hater:” by Karuna Tanahashi

You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or click here to download!

Bryant Dillon, Fanbase Press President


Favorite Comic Book:  Preacher by Garth Ennis and Steve DillonFavorite TV Show:  Buffy the Vampire Slayer Favorite Book:  The Beach by Alex Garland


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