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Happy Techie Day 2014 from Fanboy Comics!

The Staff of Fanboy Comics would like to wish you and yours a Happy Techie Day! Take a moment to appreciate your resident techie friend and thank them for their efforts. Techie is a term, derivative of the word technology, for a person who displays a great, sometimes even obsessive, interest in technology, high-tech devices, and particularly computers. These fun-loving technology enthusiasts range from computer technicians to electrical engineers. No matter the trade, anyone who has a highly skilled technical job deserves to basque in you support.

Techie Day is also a day for tech professionals to volunteer their time, talent, and skills to encourage students in grades K-12 to learn more about careers in technology.

You heard it here firsts, folks. Take your Techie to lunch, give them a hug, or just provide a sincere “Thanks!” when you see him or her.

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief




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