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Choose-Your-Weapon-Dice-TabletopDo you live in the Los Angeles area?  Do you love gaming conventions?  Then, you will not want to miss Gamex 2013, which is scheduled for Memorial Day weekend (May 24-27, 2013) at the Sheraton Gateway Los Angeles Hotel.

Hosted by Strategicon, Gamex 2013 is one of California’s finest gaming conventions, offering attendees the chance to play, watch, and buy a variety of board games, card games, miniatures, roleplaying, collectables, and computer games.  The convention will be open from Friday, May 24th, at noon until Monday, May 27th, at 6 p.m.

Fanboy Comics’ own Kristine Chester and Atomic Robo: RPG creator Mike Olson will be at the convention and running several events (listed below).  Make sure to pre-register for the games, as spaces fill very quickly!


International TableTop Day is a reminder to spend more time and strengthen the bonds with the people who matter most, our friends and family, by playing games together. Tabletop gaming promotes many positive social and cognitive benefits like increased communication, team work, planning, and is an excellent stress relieving activity for all ages. – See more at:
International TableTop Day is a reminder to spend more time and strengthen the bonds with the people who matter most, our friends and family, by playing games together. Tabletop gaming promotes many positive social and cognitive benefits like increased communication, team work, planning, and is an excellent stress relieving activity for all ages. – See more at:
International TableTop Day is a reminder to spend more time and strengthen the bonds with the people who matter most, our friends and family, by playing games together. Tabletop gaming promotes many positive social and cognitive benefits like increased communication, team work, planning, and is an excellent stress relieving activity for all ages. – See more at:



WHAT:   Gamex 2013
WHEN:   May 24-27, 2013
WHERE: Sheraton Gateway Los Angeles Hotel
              6101 West Century Blvd.
              Los Angeles, CA 90045             


Games Run by Kristine Chester

Friday 2 p.m.: Mouse Guard Summer 1154: Beneath the Roots

The Guard is dispatched to Copperwood to improve relations during the town’s festival, Musfire, but learn that the Guard are not always welcome.

Friday 8 p.m.: Mouse Guard Summer 1155: Division of Labor
Wedding bells fill the air as the industrial towns of Copperwood and Ironwood set aside long held differences to come together, but what wedding has ever gone exactly according to plan?

Saturday 2 p.m.: Mouse Guard Fall 1154: The Thieves of Pebblebrook

Contact has been lost with Pebblebrook, a town near Weasel territory. Is the Territories’ old enemy involved or some new threat?

Saturday 8 p.m.: The Queen’s Cavaliers: The Embers of Peace
Eight years ago the nations of Gallinea and Albia were at war until a timely marriage granted them peace, but when the Gallinean ambassador is kidnapped on Albian soil, it becomes a race against time for the Queen’s Cavaliers to rescue her before old wounds are reopened and a new 20 Years War begins. The Queen’s Cavaliers is a Baroque clockpunk fantasy game of swashbuckling and derring-do.

Sunday 9 a.m.: Mouse Guard Winter 1154: Desperate Times
Gwendolyn, Matriarch and leader of the Mouse Guard, has fallen deathly ill. Low on medical supplies, the only option to save the Guard’s leader is for a Patrol to brave the harsh winter and come back with a cure before it’s too late.

Sunday 2 p.m.: Mouse Guard Spring 1155: Ghost Ship
There’s a legend of a ship, larger than any in the Territories, that patrols the waterways kidnapping mice. When a ship matching the legend is spotted near Rust Leaf, the Guard must prove once and for all if this ship is fact or fiction.

Games Run by Mike Olson

Friday 2 p.m.: Steel and Flesh
Hey, do you know this little indie wuxia game called Rivers and Lakes? No? That’s okay, because I’ve hacked it for sword and sorcery. It uses a quick, easy system that emphasizes drama and cinematic action. No experience playing Rivers and Lakes is required. I mean, I don’t have any, so why should you?

Saturday 9 a.m.: Robo Force
Robo Force is the codename for the UN’s league of highly trained Action Science Commandos. Their purpose: to defend human freedom against Baron Helsingard, a ruthless megalomaniac determined to rule the world at any cost. Led by the daring Atomic Robo and armed with cutting-edge science, Robo Force never gives up the fight! Rohhh-BO!

Sunday 2 p.m.: F3: Return to the Expedition to the Sinister Temple of the Reptile Cult on the Borderlands
OMG you guys, there are totally some more problems that only a party of adventurers can solve! This ode to AD&D (via Fate Core) is a sequel to a couple games I ran at the last OrcCon. If you played in those games, come reclaim your character! If not, come claim a character before those returning players beat you to it! Experience with Fate Core not required.



 For more information on Gamex, please visit



Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief

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