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3 Comics You Can’t Miss! 4/4/12 Advance Comics Reviews

ChewFanboy Comics Contributor Jason Enright brings you his top comic book picks for the week.



Chew #25
by John Layman and Rob Guillory

Have I told you all about Chew yet? Chew is awesome. It’s funny; it has an intriguing story and really great characters. Even though this issue is the end of a story arc, it’s still a great one shot issue, too.  John Layman does a great job giving all the information you need to enjoy that issue, while also stuffing each issue full of tons of great ongoing jokes, and telling a really awesome, cohesive long-form story. Rob Guillory’s art can be silly, disgusting, and heartwarming all at the same time. Twenty-five issues in and the creators are still having fun with their characters, and still telling an incredibly weird but super fun story.

Daredevil #10.1
by Mark Waid, Khoi Pham, and Javier Rodriguez

So, April is going to be Daredevil month over at Marvel Comics, with the Omega effect storyline having an issue come out every week this month. The best part is that, if you aren’t caught up on Daredevil, Marvel is offering up this week’s .1 issue to bring you up to speed. High praise has to be given to Mark Waid, who does an amazing job helming a book that has always been one of Marvel’s most interesting but has never had the sales numbers it deserves, until now. Waid’s real strength here is letting the reader into Matt Murdock’s head. We get to see the world the way he does, and see how his unique senses work. The art in the Daredevil series is amazing, and even though Khoi Pham steps in for regular series artist Pablo Rivera on this issue, the art is still top notch. If you’ve missed out so far on this incredible new take on a Marvel classic, then this is the issue you need to buy. It’s a great one shot story and a great set up for the big crossover event starting next week.

Swamp Thing #8
by Scott Snyder, Yanick Paquette, and Marco Rudy

Since the beginning of DC’s New 52, two books have continually amazed me every month. Of course, those two books are Swamp Thing and Animal Man. This week, Swamp Thing wins the battle with its besty Animal Man for my favorite DC book. It’s been a long and winding road, but, finally, in this issue we get to see Alec Holland fully embrace the Swamp Thing and kick some major butt. Scott Snyder has been writing an amazing story, but this book is as amazing as it is because of the great job by artists Marco Rudy and Yanick Paquette. This book truly has a synergy, in which the art enhances and improves the story. This story could not be told nearly as well in any form other than a comic by this art team. Plus, can we all just stop for a second and marvel at how awesome Swamp thing is in combat? He’s flying and wielding a sword and shield. Pick up this book if you want to have your mind blown by awesome, magical, horror goodness.



Jason Enright, Fanbase Press Senior Contributor


  Favorite Superhero: Cyclops Favorite Animal: Anklyosaurus Favorite Game: Pathfinder RPG


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