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‘Bigfoot – Sword of the Earthman #3’ (Lair of the Martian Vampire Bugs): Advance Comic Book Review

Bigfoot 3


Bigfoot 3Seriously, this comic has Martian vampire bugs. Fighting Bigfoot. On Mars.

For those of you who haven’t heard of Bigfoot – Sword of the Earthman, this is the most inspired blend of Conan and cryptozoology since Red Sonja. Bigfoot, who has been stranded on a populated fantasy Mars, fights giant bugs and petty despots. This comic knows exactly what it is trying to do and does it perfectly. Perfectly. It is a big, awesome, silly epic with a gigantic heart.

Have you run out to your local comic shop to support your local indie comic creators yet?

There is one thing that a comic book can do to make it easy for new readers (like you) to pick up an ongoing series, and that is to make every issue work as a stand-alone, even if it does tie into a larger arc. Bigfoot: SOTE does a perfect job of that. This issue features the Earthman and his constant scribe being held captive by a morally complicated subterranean (submartian?) queen. The story that follows is a tale of betrayal and tragedy, until the unstoppable Earthman is unleashed.

This comic demands that you talk about it in extremes. It is not a cool idea and a fun delivery. This comic is face-meltingly awesome, and the result is one of the most ridiculously entertaining comics around.

Four and a Half Hendersons out of Five



Ben Rhodes, Fanbase Press Senior Contributor


Favorite Book:  Cryptonomicon Favorite MovieYoung Frankenstein Favorite Absolutely Everything:  Monty Python


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