The entire story arc of LaGuardia up to this point has been building towards the birth of Future’s child. Then, at the end of the previous issue, it finally happened: Future and her fiancé Citizen (newly arrived from Nigeria) saw the birth of their son Future Citizen. Now, this final issue is about what happens in the aftermath.
Both Future and Citizen have alien plant DNA inside them, as does their son, courtesy of Letme Live, the floral refugee that Future risked everything to save. This floral DNA presents some serious complications for their lives in a world where a lot of people don’t want to give aliens the same rights as humans. It’s particularly complicated for Citizen who, up until now, was a vocal advocate for keeping humans and aliens separate.
This issue is essentially the denouement of the series, wrapping everything up after the climax of the previous issue. Nonetheless, there’s a lot going on here. In particular, it deals a bit with Nigerian history and politics, as the world’s situation with regards to aliens and humans is compared to the Biafran movement of the 1960s and ’70s.
As an ignorant American, I admittedly know virtually nothing about Biafra, the things that led to it, or its ramifications. I was thus a little lost in places, as the characters started talking about it. It was still fairly simple to follow the basic gist of what they were talking about, though, with relation to the story. And now, I’m curious to do some research into it and find out more.
The story of LaGuardia is similar in some ways to District 9, using Biafra the way District 9 used apartheid. Of course, there have been plenty of parallels to the current political climate in the U.S., as well. And across both metaphors, there’s a very clear message: No matter how different we may seem, we’re all in this together. We owe it to one another to work together and help each other out in whatever way we can. Underneath the differences, we’re all family.
This has been a great comic from beginning to end, and this final issue ties things together nicely. If you’re looking for a smart, unique sci-fi comic with well-developed characters and a vivid, intricately built world, then you’ll definitely want to check out LaGuardia.
Creative Team: Nnedi Okorafor (writer), Tana Ford (artist), James Devlin (colorist), and Sal Cipriano (letterer)
Publisher: Dark Horse
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