Holy Beyoncé, this book uses the boot of social justice to kick the pants clean off of the patriarchy, and it looks great doing it.
Man-Eaters possesses just the right amount of poignant satire and relatable broad comedy to keep an admittedly dumb reader like me mesmerized. Unfortunately, it is pretty rare to find a comic book about women written by a woman, so, naturally, we are all starving for this. I am pleased to report that Man-Eaters nails the living heck out of its tone and earns its premise sight on seen. The art is delicious. The writing spits vitriol. Man-Eaters makes its debut with some big cats and even bigger laughs.

The basic premise is as follows: In the future, a genetic infection causes teenage girls to transform into large, murderous cats upon receiving their period. Meow! That might be the cleanest metaphor since “Rosebud.” Creator Chelsea Cain does not waste a moment before doling out the harsh punishments that would be inevitably realized by this idea, and I truly believe the book is better for it. We get a nice dissection of grizzly moments caused by the cold reality of oversized jungle cats suddenly appearing in your daughters bedroom. Spoiler alert: It’s not good!
Kate Niemczyk is the artist on the book, she is a master of beautifully pencil-drawn character models and cinematic, page covering set pieces. One could approximate that this creative team is working in tandem to make this comic something special, as it appears that equal real estate is being shared. The art never gets in the way of the story which also never gets in the way of the gorgeous art. It’s a win for women and comic book likers alike.

Do not sleep on Man-Eaters. This is only the first issue, but there is some palpable steam coming from its powerful loins. Imagine if Y: The Last Man was written from a woman’s perspective; you might get something like this. Strong characters and a solid foundation show nothing but promise for Man-Eaters, and I reckon it would take a miracle for this to fail.
Creative Team: Chelsea Cain (creator/writer), Kate Niemczyk (art/ink), Rachelle Rosenberg (color)
Publisher: Image Comics
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