Let’s talk Bock-Darr, baby!
Modern Fantasy wraps up its first series arc with a hilarious and epic bang! Not unlike Matt Groening’s Disenchantment, this exciting, new Dark Horse series integrates the fantasy genre into real life. Creator Rafer Roberts pulls an unlikely cast of creature characters together for a D&D-inspired, joke-a-minute romp. Modern Fantasy is a self-aware, meta-Scott Pilgrim-esque clone that plays with tropic nuance in a way that lands gently on the palate of even the most cynical comic book reader. Do you like magic spells? If not, then steer clear, because Modern Fantasy will put the happiest spell on you.
Hats off to Kristen Gudsnuk for keeping the visuals action-packed, cartoony, and full of enough visual gags to fill a witch’s cauldron. Get ready for some big-eyed, expressive, pencil-drawn, and colorful hilarity. The best way to describe the art in the book is specific and low-stakes. It’s like your friend handing you a funny drawing in class, but the drawing is so good you forget to laugh. To read Modern Fantasy is to be relaxed into a wonderland of Adult Swim-like panels that beautifully render your childlike imagination relevant in your adult life.
There is no telling whether or not Modern Fantasy will continue on, but I hope it does. This universe is fun, and there is so much room to go from here. Now that our characters are established and our first quest has finished, Modern Fantasy is free to tell any number of stories. It would be a real shame if it didn’t, because Roberts created something in this story that NEEDS more time. Of course, I am referring to Bock-Darr the Mighty…

Meet Bock-Darr and be amazed. Why? Well, look at this…

What is even happening here? What’s this guy’s deal? What’s this guy all about? What makes him tick? Is he wearing a headband and glasses? He is my hero. I love Bock-Darr the Mighty.
Characters that make other characters say, “Uh oh?”
Yes, please, and thank you kindly!
Give Modern Fantasy a shot. You likely will not regret it, unless you happen to be unsettled by large, murderous monsters covered head to toe in flame, insecure wizards, or guys named Bock-Darr (the embodiment of all things good).
Creative Team: Rafer Roberts (writer), Kristen Gudsnuk (art)
Publisher: Dark Horse
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