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Reading the first issue of Glitterbomb: The Fame Game inspired me to immediately buy the first volume on ComiXology and read it before writing this review. It’s a really good and surprisingly powerful read.

On the surface, Glitterbomb is about fame, how letting it become the most important thing to you will ruin you. It would be a nice, safe venture if that’s all that it was about, but there are darker corners of fame. There are more detestable people in Hollywood, and any industry for that matter, lurking in the pools of “cess” waiting to prey on the impassioned and naive. In the end, it isn’t about those that seek fame, that want to explore a craft or industry that they feel passionate about, but about the grotesque people that want to take advantage of those blossoming artists and potential stars.

In a way, the first Glitterbomb is both a tragedy and a revenge story following a presumably washed-up actress, Farrah, but it’s not that simple. As the story unfurls, we find that it’s a story of sexual assault. Like so many times before (and since) in Hollywood, an incident that was swept under a carpet, leaving the victim ruined, so as not to cause ripples. That emptiness and anger Farrah has carried around with her is filled with an inhuman entity, intent on disrupting this cycle in the most violent of ways. Her story begins somber and becomes downright emotionally exhausting but also cathartic (in a Carrie sort of way). It’s a journey well worth taking.

This first issue in this second volume follows Farrah’s 10-year-old son’s babysitter, Kaydon, who had a subplot in the first series, wanting to become, of course, famous. Having been the person closest to Farrah, she now finally has her own shot at becoming “famous,” as everyone wants her story…and at her side, a shark (i.e., agent) coaching her on how to use the moment to find that fame, but the creature that inhabited Farrah’s body is still around, and still hungry…

The best kind of horror stories are the ones that reflect real-world horror, and creators Jim Zub (writer) and Djibril Morissette-Phan (artist) have their fingers on the pulse of a real horror that has permeated our world for far too long. In the first volume, they found the despair, anger, and turmoil of the victims of sexual abuse, and through a terrible monster, found the humanity in that story. By showing the destruction of a soul, they made the case that every soul has the right as a human being to be revered and not destroyed for someone else’s ego. I can only hope that Kaydon’s story doesn’t begin nor end as tragically.

I really like this series.

Phillip Kelly, Fanbase Press Contributor


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