Two of the main characters stare up at a night sky filled with a brightly lit full moon and millions of stars. The cover page for Generation Gone #1 displays this wondrous image along with introductory dialogue from Elena and Nick, which immediately indicates something is amiss within their relationship.
“I love you, Nick.”
“…Cool, but do you have to say it all the time?”
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to–“
“That’s okay, baby. I love you, too. I just sometimes wish I could turn you off, you know?”
“Why would you want that?”
“Why wouldn’t I? Be cool to have so much control…”
Writer Aleš Kot creates two different storylines within the first chapter of Generation Gone. One side involves three hackers: two of the aforementioned characters and their friend, Baldwin. Their time together is spent in an apartment, hacking the world. Several computers and connecting cables are spread throughout the room as they “practice” breaking into top secret facilities, leading up to an electronic bank heist that will set them up for life.
Side two of this story involves Mr. Akio as he navigates away from the “military-industrial field” during a presentation to showcase his independent research, known as “Project Utopia.” Akio believes the entire world is built with code, and it is this code that ties magic and science together. He tells a team of higher ups that he has built a code that can change humans into something more, with advanced intelligence, strength, flight, and potentially beyond his imagination. Unfortunately, this unfounded report does not receive an enthusiastic response from his boss.
Kot does a great job leading the two sides closer together, until they finally merge into an exciting conclusion to the first comic book in the series. André Lima Araújo draws the first chapter, including the cover, and colorist Chris O’Halloran fills in those illustrations. Softer tones are used throughout, which help to amplify blue skies or coral sunsets, yellow lighting, and other pops of color, such as blankets and furniture. The closing scene is a terrifying glimpse into what happens when the code interacts with humans, as the backgrounds turn blue, characters turn red, and further enhancement of the overall effect comes in the form of “weird, black goo” exiting their faces.
How will Akio and the three hackers cross paths? What will happen to all of the people exposed to this code? The end of the story shows how one does react after reading the code, leading you to realize the second chapter cannot come soon enough to find out what will happen next.
Generation Gone #1 is a product of Image Comics and will be available on Wednesday, July 19, in print and digital form.