Giant Days from BOOM! Box, under the umbrella of BOOM! Studios, continues to stand out, and shout, as a fantastic ongoing series. It revolves around three main characters: Daisy, Esther, and Susan. These three roommates find their way through college life, while continuing to understand their place in the world and adjust to their surrounding relationships.
Giant Days #27 focuses on Esther. Her life is going splendidly; she and her roommates get along well, she enjoys showing up to her job at the local comic shop, and a new “BestFresh” supermarket is moving in right across the street – making her lunch options that much simpler. Things seem so blissful; however, creator and writer John Allison leads Esther to the ramifications of this new market, making her realize how inadequate she truly is at being informed and involved. As she struggles with this particular cluelessness, she finds a way to become more involved in the most Esther-like way.
A brief flashback also helps to explain the awkwardness she feels within this storyline, and presents a turning point in the life of our queen of darkness. This particular moment is covered in one page, and just like that, you will walk away understanding Esther’s beginning. The flow of this story never wanes, which seems commonplace with Allison’s Giant Days, as it provides perfect comedic timing and genuine anxiousness from our characters, which anyone might feel in new or awkward situations.
Nervous or angry facial expressions run wild during this story, as the artwork follows these characters, particularly the black-haired goth, as they attempt to handle unwanted guests and a protest against the soon-to-be supermarket. The cover page illustrates Esther’s rage as she stands tall with a bullhorn and her usual bone and skull clothing and accessories, with others alongside her, picketing with nonsensical signs and shouting to the rooftops. Max Sarin creates this page, and pencils the remainder of the story with inks by Liz Fleming. If you’re unfamiliar with their artwork, this duo has had their talents highlighted “for their work on Giant Days” with their recent win (May 2017) for best comic book at The National Cartoonists Society’s 71st Annual Reuben Awards.
Whitney Cogar draws a multitude of colors in this comic book, something that’s a standard for the series. Cogar’s ability to fill the pages with an abundance of color, while giving a sense of balance and not being overwhelming, is a wonderful complement to these pages, and yet another reason this comic book should be on your reading radar.
Giant Days #27 will be available on Wednesday, June 7, for print and digital release.