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There is so much I want to share about Void Rivals #17 that I’ve started and re-started this review multiple times. As a longtime fan of the Transformers and G.I. Joe franchises, I was so excited by the advent of Image/Skybound’s new Energon Universe that I’ve read every issue since its launch. My favorite title has been Robert Kirkman’s Void Rivals, a series that centers on new characters and new concepts while including some old favorites.

For the past sixteen issues, readers have been teased by the myriad mysteries of the series: Who created the Sacred Ring? Who is Zerta Trion, the ancient Cybertronian? Who or what is Goliant? Why can the humanoid inhabitants of the Sacred Ring consume Energon? Issue #17 begins to answer these questions while setting the stage for conflicts to come.

The prior issue ended with Solila’s discovery of Zerta Trion, buried deep beneath the surface of the Sacred Ring. Meanwhile, Darak has been arrested by his own father for treason and faces execution. Darak was captured while seeking a group of dissidents called “Unifiers,” who align with Darak and Solila’s hope for unity between the warring factions on the Sacred Ring. As we’ve learned over the course of the series, the rulers of the Zertonians and Agorrians have conspired for centuries to keep their two factions separate and in direct conflict at all costs. In this issue, Kirkman, through Zerta Trion, reveals the consequences of unity for the Sacred Ring and nearly all of our questions are answered. I refuse to spoil any of the fun, but I can say that there are seeds planted within the last few pages that may lead to a rift between Solila and Darak, as the long held convictions of both characters are severely challenged.

Lorenzo De Felici continues to be the perfect complement to Kirkman’s plot, bringing the Generation One Transformers of my childhood to life. Characters such as Hot Rod and the Quentessons feel like they emerged straight from Transformers: The Movie of the 1980s. His futuristic cityscapes are teeming with little details that catch the eye. The variety of armors worn by the Zertonians and Agorrians feel dynamic, cool, and right at home in the Transformers Universe.

This review may seem light on details, but, trust me, each page of this issue is full of revelations I refuse to spoil for fans of the series. Kirkman and De Felici continue to deliver a thrilling sci-fi adventure. As I’ve said before, Void Rivals is the backbone of the Energon Universe, showcasing its history and breadth. If you’re already an Energon Universe fan, and why wouldn’t you be, this series will provide you with a better sense of Cybertronian history and the ancient conflicts that forged its future. Trust me, it will increase your enjoyment of the Tranformers series also from Skybound. And if you’re someone looking for a new sci-fi series filled with action and mystery, then this, too, is a series for you. Void Rivals has now found a permanent spot on my pull list.

Creative Team: Robert Kirkman (Writer), Lorenzo De Felici (Artist), Patricio Delpeche (Colorist), Rus Wooton (Letterer)
Publisher: Image Comics/Skybound Comics
Click here to purchase.

Steve Price, Fanbase Press Contributor

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