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Well, it’s been a while since we revisited the ‘Verse, and, well, things look quite a bit different in Firefly: ‘Verses. This is a one-off alternate reality story which posits the question: What if the Alliance had lost the Unification War and the Browncoats had won instead? This could have easily been a standalone episode on the show, really.

Ryan Parrott’s script keeps the exposition and action moving, and there are quite a few moments of nostalgia and déjà vu for fans of the series. The banter between Mal and Zoë is a highlight of the issue, and it’s brisk and totally in character. The usual suspects make appearances, some in a larger capacity than others. In general, the clipped pace keeps things going, though Mal’s epiphany seemed a bit rushed, in my opinion; however, viewed through the lens of one-shot episodes of many 40+ minute shows, it does seem pretty on-brand. That being said, I kinda wish that this issue took more narrative risks and remixed characters much more thoroughly. Many of the characters come across as mostly being only slightly different versions of themselves and thus, this “what-if?” story comes across as somewhat timid in scope. BOOM!’s previous forays into the ‘Verse have felt much bolder while this story felt a bit safe.

Visually, this book was a treat. The art by Lalit Kumar Sharma carries all the hallmarks of his previous work on the franchise: strong, dynamic scenes; likenesses that are recognizable with looking traced or stagnant; and an uncanny way of capturing the grit and scrappiness of the Firefly ‘verse that stays true to the spirit of the show. The colorwork by Francesco Segala and Gloria Martinelli enhances Sharma’s linework by imbuing each page with such an atmospheric quality that you can feel the hell of being in the trenches, the coldness of space, the dustiness of the worlds, etc. The lettering by Jim Campbell remains top-notch. From the choice of font, the positioning of the text, the deliberate and restrained usage of effects, it all came together really nicely here.

Overall, I think this was a nice reminder of why this series has its loyal fanbase. I was hoping for a little less nostalgia and more risky storytelling, but no power in the ‘verse can make me deny that I had a great visit with old favorites.

Creative Team: Ryan Parrott (writer), Lalit Kumar Sharma(artist), Francesco Segala, Gloria Martinelli (colors), Jim Campbell (letterer)
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
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Wenxian Tan, Fanbase Press Contributor


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