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As we continue through The Butcher’s Boy, the effects of the tainted meat consumed by Alan, Chris, Emma, and Frankie start to intensify in some gruesome ways. At the end of the last issue, Chris had discovered Frankie’s decapitated body… and yet Frankie was able to chase Chris with her severed head. Shyla goes to investigate, when Chris and Alan start to hear voices. Back at the hotel, Hans and Emma decide to go to bed, but things do not go as planned.

The flashbacks in this issue are scant compared to the previous chapters, but there are a few more things to connect. This story device may end up being one of the book’s strongest elements. Our character tropes have become much clearer by the closing pages. The horror in this issue has amped up significantly, and even our calm moments are becoming a bloody mess. Throughout this series, Justin Greenwood has masterfully used shading as a way to foreshadow things. These subtle touches have telegraphed hints of danger in these quiet times.

This third (of four) issues is running on all cylinders, and the pages move fast in this month’s installment as it barrels towards its conclusion. There’s a lot of action, and we get just the right amount of setup regarding how each member will try to get out of their respective bind. Landry Q. Walker and Pannel Vaughn have finally thrown us out of the plane, and we are hurtling to the ground. Let’s just pray the ripcord is pulled at the right time and they nail the landing.

Creative Team: Landry Q. Walker and Pannel Vaughn (writers), Justin Greenwood (artist), Pat Broddeau (letterer)
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
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Forrest Gaddis, Fanbase Press Guest Contributor


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