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Since the first issue of this comic in December of 2022, I’ve been maintaining vigilance. Sometimes, after I review an issue or two of a comic series—even one I really like—I’ll end up losing track of it. Sometimes, a random issue won’t come up for review, or sometimes, even if it is available, I’ll be busy or distracted that week and just miss it. But from the moment I first read A Vicious Circle #1, I knew I didn’t want that to happen.

The story completely blew me away. I had to know how it played out. So, I have kept very careful track, to make sure I wouldn’t miss an issue. Of course, when a three-issue arc is released over the course of a year and a half, it’s no easy feat. But it has been worth the wait.

In the previous issue, we saw the backstory of our hero, Shawn Thacker: the time travel mission he was sent on, how he became inextricably linked to rival time traveler Ferris, and how he ended up settled down for 10 years in the 1950s with a wife and child.

In this issue, we learn Ferris’ story. Previously, he’s been portrayed as a monster: barely human, someone who needed to be chained and locked up to prevent him from bounding across the timeline, killing indiscriminately. But he’s on a time travel mission, too. And when Shawn sees where Ferris came from and what he’s trying to do… Well, forgiveness is too much to ask, but if they try, they might just come to a mutual understanding. They might even be able to save the world.

This final issue is mind-bending and heartbreaking as it concludes the journey we’ve been on for a year and a half. The story is brilliantly crafted, and it’s clear that this has all been planned from the beginning. What really makes the comic stand out, though, is the artwork. As our main characters bounce from era to era, each time period they visit has its own unique art style and coloring. Being that it’s all done by a single illustrator, it’s easy to see why taking the time to create this comic and make sure it’s done well might make these issues take a little longer to be ready for release.

But the effort really pays off. Each time we’re introduced to, even if it’s only for a few panels, is its own unique, detailed world, from pre-historic times to a post-apocalyptic Earth and everything in between.

While each issue has indeed been worth the wait for it, the one drawback is that, in that time, it’s easy to forget some of the details of what’s gone before. While the points made in this story are not subtle ones, it does rely a fair bit on nuance that can get lost if you space out the issues and read them separately. It flows much better if you read them all at once and let the single, cohesive story unfold.

When you do that, it can open up a lot of discussion about the nature of humanity, the cycles of violence perpetuated across history, and what the future holds for us in light of all of that. It’s also just a wild ride from beginning to end and an incredibly well-crafted time travel adventure. I’d probably put A Vicious Circle in my top 5 time travel comics of all time. If you’re into sci-fi, time travel, and unique, intricate worldbuilding, this is one you won’t want to miss.

Creative Team: Mattson Tomlin (writer), Lee Bermejo (artist), Grant Goleash (colorist, pages 6-17), Becca Carey (letterer)
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Click here to purchase.

Steven W. Alloway, Fanbase Press Contributor


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