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Are you a fan of The Hawk of New York, but wish there were a slightly less-dark version you could share with the youngsters in your life? Randyl Bishop delivers with an all-ages installment of Eric and his vigilante life, The Hawk of New York Adventures!

The debut volume of The Hawk of New York Adventures focuses on three stories: an overview of Eric’s backstory and how it led him to be a crime fighter, the introduction of Kandy Brat (a new villain who will also appear in the more mature HONY storyline), and ‘A Very Special Blossom’ which demonstrates how well-timed words can put a young man on a better path. The first tale reflects a lot of Eric’s background from the first The Hawk of New York comic I read many years ago, and I appreciated the gentler return to his origin story; however, my favorite of the three is Kandy Brat’s reveal as a new addition in Eric’s rogue’s gallery. The sugary sweet villain possesses a surprisingly sour personality, and she’s not going to let The Hawk of New York get away with shutting her down. I look forward to more Kandy Brat in future issues and eagerly await her introduction to HONY, as well.

Overall, The Hawk of New York Adventures felt fun and welcoming, especially as a reader of Eric’s other stories. My nephews aren’t quite old enough to follow the plots (although I think one of them may have seen Jaws, so I may be wrong), but this is definitely a comic I would love to share with them. I see it being a comic that teaches kids to love reading and the sequential art genre. A win all around!

5 Sugary Smoke Bombs out of 5

Creative Team: Randyl Biship (creator), Juan Carlos Quattordio (artist) , Ricky Zero (creator of Kandy Brat)
Publisher: Timebound Entertainment
Click here to pre-order.

Jodi Scaife, Fanbase Press Social Media Strategist

Mid-30s geek type with a houseful of pets, books, DVDs, CDs, and manga


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