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The creators of this series realize that they can’t go to the same trough every time. So, when they hit a certain sequence – an absolutely vital sequence not only in the story, but in Erica’s development as a child when inducted into the Order of St George – they had to make it feel different. Um . . . holy crap, did they make the right decision.

You know when you’re a kid and you witness something terrifying, and in that moment and in your memory, that moment takes on a hyper-realistic feel, almost otherworldly? Dell’edera and Muerto—especially Muerto’s work on colors, really just hits hard. You can barely understand what’s happening in this sequence, like visuals just out of reach of actualization, just outside our comprehension. It’s beautiful, and it’s terrifying. It feels like chalk is used to color in what’s happening. It’s simply remarkable what they accomplish as visual storytellers.

It also might be worth mentioning that James Tynion IV just won an Eisner for Best Writer, and it was so deserved. He has three or even four of the best titles on store shelves right now, and I’m not even caught up on his Batman and Joker comic books run.

Whatever you’re reading, start at the beginning of Something Is Killing the Children and just take in the talent and energy of these creators at the top of their talents. This series is something to behold.

Creative Team: James Tynion IV (writer), Werther Dell’edera (artist), Miquel Muerto (colors), Andworld Design (letters), Michelle Ankley (designer), Eric Harburn (editor), Assistant Editor (Gwen Waller)
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
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Phillip Kelly, Fanbase Press Contributor


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