Trapped in a mansion on an island during a storm, Sarah Jewell and her traveling campaign, Miss La Fleur, now have two mysterious deaths on their hands: the husband of their host and one of the guests. What was supposed to be an auction of arcane and supernatural items has become a murder mystery, and everyone is a suspect, including the rare objects up for sale. The death of Mr. Eckart has all of the earmarks of an occult ritual gone wrong. Both Sarah and Miss La Fleur suspect that the artifacts may be the cause of it all, but they have no proof and no leads. What is even stranger is that everyone has had the same dream of shadows closing in on them. Does this portend another death?
This is a smart and well-written mystery. Everyone suspects everyone else and clearly has something to hide, and you really never know who’s going to be next. A good portion of the issue is dedicated to learning the backstory of the first victim from his wife who describes his growing obsession with occult artifacts and its effect on their marriage. Although, why he did it is still a mystery to her. I love that all of the characters are smart in their own way. Even the backstory on Miss Jewell and Miss La Fleur is dropped in discretely and effectively without being overly expositional. Once again, the art gives you the sense that everyone is trapped in a prison of their own making and trying to find a way out.
This series is a delight to read and makes me wonder how many bodies have to drop before our intrepid detectives suspect they might be next.
Creative Team: Chris Roberson (writer), Mike Mignola (creator), Leila del Duca (artist), Michelle Madsen (colorist), Clem Robins (letterer)
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
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