The first issue of Radiant Black was split about evenly between superhero action and conversations about main character Nathan’s life, as he struggles with a failed writing career and crippling credit card debt. In this issue, the focus is much more on using powers and chasing bad guys, but there is still a fair amount of “real life” that creeps in.
In our last issue, Nathan’s newly acquired super suit allowed him to lift a train, some cars, and several people—including two cops. Now, those cops are looking for him. It seems there’s another costumed individual with extraordinary powers who’s been robbing banks. Who is this other person? Do they have answers as to what’s happening to the both of them, or where these powers came from? Nathan decides to track down the other costumed character and find out.
Nathan is given an ultimatum by his father: If he wants to continue living at home, he needs to find a job—even if it’s something he doesn’t particularly enjoy doing. A perfectly reasonable request from the person putting a roof over his head, but Nathan’s not too thrilled about it. Fortunately, his old job with the ridesharing company gives him the perfect cover to comb the city streets looking for leads about the costumed bank robber. What happens when he finally finds this person? Well, for that, you’ll have to read the issue.
This series is gradually picking up speed. In the previous issue, Nathan’s real-life problems and his discovery of superpowers felt like two completely different stories, awkwardly jammed together. This issue not only has more action, but it has more balance. A sequence of Nathan taking on a series of passengers serves to further both plots at the same time and makes for a compelling and funny sequence. And in general, this issue seems to flow better and has me more invested in the general story. Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
Creative Team: Kyle Higgins (writer), Marcelo Costa (artist), Becca Carey (letterer), Rich Bloom (logo designer), Michael Bussutil (editor and designer), and Deanna Phelps (production artist)
Publisher: Image Comics
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