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As we round into the final three issues of the series, it’s been quite a ride. From humble beginnings, our duo of bank-robbing sexual deviants has gone through breakups, fights against sexually powered enforcement officers, and so much more. Throughout all of this, the big bad of the series has been Kuber Badal, an obscenely rich executive and operator of BankCorp. who has some pretty sinister ties to our promiscuous heroes. As we get into the very final stages of this series, things have taken a turn, with Suze taking dramatic steps towards ending things once and for all.

For everyone reading this series or who has taken a look at my past reviews, you know this is a pretty interesting series, and this issue dives head deep into wild territory.  This series is many things, but it’s never been short on humor or a unique perspective. With Suze and Jon finally moving into the endgame, it’s now or never for their plot. And with Suze now face to face with Badal, we get a lot of insight into both her history, as well as the origin story of Badal himself.

This is a tough series to talk about sometimes, not only because of its NSFW content, but because I simply want to keep repeating all of the great things about it. This is one of the most fascinating series in the comics industry right now, thanks to its blend of heart and humor which are in plentiful supply.

This is thanks to the team of Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky. Their ability to be both sincere and complete screwballs, sometimes simultaneously, is nothing short of amazing. Between the two, there are enough jokes and tender moments to fill any comic book. This issue is a masterclass of monologue, with huge swaths of the issue focused mostly on conversation. But this team somehow makes it work and keeps things entertaining thanks to Zdarsky’s gorgeous artwork.  With beautiful environments and absolutely incredible colors, Zdarsky – for all his silliness – is a wonderful artist. The two creators make a team capable of just about anything.

This series is special in many ways, but I really think its importance lies in its ability to be both completely honest and also irreverent. Even in tense moments, Sex Criminals finds a way to make you appreciate what it does. Best of all, this series does such a great job in allowing people of all types – of all orientations, backgrounds, and interests – to be free, to be loved, and to know they are valid. It’s amazing to see the response from this series and to know how amazing its community is. I love this series not only for what it is and the for the entertainment it gives, but for what it allows people to be, giving them this freedom to be perfectly themselves, joining with others in reading a silly, yet meaningful, comic book.

With only two issues remaining (minus the opus that will likely be the Sexual Gary special), it will be quite a sight to see how this team puts on a bow on this run. Once it’s complete, I look forward to re-reading it as an entire collection, especially with the big swings they’ve taken along the way. It’s going to be an interesting ride to the finish line.

Creative Team: Matt Fraction (writer), Chip Zdarsky (artist)
Publisher: Image Comics
Click here to purchase.

Russ Pirozek, Fanbase Press Contributor


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