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Amy’s life in Kokomo is coming apart. David and Cassie, her first friends when she came to Earth, have broken up. Will she need to choose between them? On top of that, Oliver, the strange, white-haired boy who hides his personality’s flavor, doesn’t seem to want to talk to her. And on top of everything else, Amy is failing history class. Everything is happening at once, and it may be too much for her to handle.

Of course, it’s not all bad. Things are going well in the agricultural club, and Amy also gets to experience her very first snow, including going sledding and building snowmen with Zeph, the boy who’s taking her to the homecoming dance. Of course, Zeph is having his own problems: How is he going to tell Amy that he wants to be more than just friends? What if she doesn’t reciprocate, and it ruins their friendship?

When I describe the plots of the Space Boy books, they always seem so mundane. It’s mostly ordinary high school stuff that you’d read in any story aimed at teens or young adults. The story is far from mundane, though.

I mean, I could mention the fact that Oliver is embroiled in a government conspiracy, and if Amy were to find out his secret, someone would have her killed. That almost seems incidental, though. Plus, it would give out the wrong impression of this comic: that it was some sort of action-packed spy thriller or something like that. It’s not. The real fun and excitement of this comic, at least for me, comes from Amy’s quiet, day-to-day life, as she gradually begins to find her place on this planet.

Each volume is a very quick read. The main focus on each page is the art—which is vivid and colorful and helps us get immersed in Amy’s world and her life. At the end of this volume is a quick adventure from Amy’s time as a child aboard the mining ship—how she first became friends with Jemmah, whom she had to leave behind when she moved to Earth. It’s quick and a bit silly, but fun.

Much like Amy’s friends and family, this comic has its own unique flavor. It’s difficult to describe in a review, though. You have to read it for yourself to get the full effect. It really is worthwhile to read for yourself, too. The story is unlike any I’ve read before. If you like thought-provoking sci-fi that’s a bit off the beaten path, Space Boy is the comic for you.

Creative Team: Stephen McCranie (writer and illustrator)
Publisher: Dark Horse
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Steven W. Alloway, Fanbase Press Contributor


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