Quick recap: The Sundog crew is still on the run, having barely escaped with their lives in their previous escapade. Grix’s personal life seems to be getting more complicated, and Vess made a fateful choice to go against the establishments of her faith in order to find true belief. Despite their heroic efforts at uncovering some terrible truths underpinning the current status quo, the crew is left with the bitter lesson that people just don’t care about the truth if it makes life uncomfortable for them.
The new arc of Invisible Kingdom, “Edge of Everything,” opens up by establishing where these characters are now. The Sundog crew is still on the run, patched up but in desperate need of basic supplies. Vess’s vows of celibacy may become a point of conflict for her as she navigates a life outside the Renunciation order.
G. Willow Wilson’s opening of the new arc hits all the right points by establishing the new status quo of a newly reconstituted team with new intra- and interpersonal dynamics and new points of conflicts within and outside the crew. I can only see these characters becoming more interesting as the story continues to open up this fascinating world. There are hints of a possible romantic triangle on the horizon, so we’ll see how that plays out. There are some beautifully penned subtle moments in this issue, and Wilson’s world really does seem to be at its best when it’s allowed to breathe and expand beyond just the Sundog (very much like Firefly/Serenity, which the series does share some of its DNA with). Sal Cipriano’s lettering gets the message across without detracting from the visual storytelling, and I think that’s admirable in its own right.
As much as I love Wilson’s creation/writing of this universe, I think credit is owed to Christian Ward for its distinctive look, and, man, it’s a gorgeous look! Ward’s loose and painterly style really sets this series apart from other space opera series out there. Ward’s designs are fantastic without seeming so alien that the emotional beats are lost in the spectacle.
Final thoughts: After the fantastic first arc, Wilson et al. are back in true form with an incredibly strong opener to a new arc that hints at getting to the heart of things while our heroes dance on the edge of everything.
Creative Team: G. Willow Wilson (writer), Christian Ward (artist), Sal Cipriano (letterer)
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
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