This may be the last issue of Joe Golem, and it went out on an incredibly high note.
Joe Golem is the creation of Mike Mignola and Christopher Golden, a Golem who was created to hunt and kill witches and who later turned into a man. For the last 20 issues, this series has seen Joe Golem slowly lose his humanity to save the world, while a young woman, Molly McHugh, finds in herself heroism that she never knew she had. It has been both invigorating and heartbreaking in equal measures.
Mignola and Golden together have created a film noir story infused with Cthulu mythos, rip roaring in a half-submerged New York City. In this world, they have asked the same questions again and again: What does it take to be a hero? What sacrifices have to be made? And if it’s for the benefit of all, is it okay for others to force those sacrifices upon you? Good in the world of Joe Golem lives in a very grey area.
What I love most in this final issue is that while this chapter may be over, the story opens up and presents a further story that we may never get to see, but we can imagine, and that’s where this series has succeeded – in allowing our imaginations to get swept away.
Peter Bergting was the artist and Michelle Madsen the colorist, and they’ve done a solid job on this final story arc, really capturing the fun and magic of the series.
For any new reader, now is the time to go back and start from the beginning. It’s a really fun yarn, with some fantastic moments of horror, a few which will stay with me.
Creative Team: Mike Mignola and Christopher Golden (writer, creator), Peter Bergting (artist), Michelle Madsen (colors), Dave Palumbo (cover art)
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
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