Penny White always loved crossing into Lloegyr, but being trapped into the alternate world adds a new set of challenges to the already exhausted Anglican priest. With Peter out of her life, Raven (the charming search dragon) presses his suit more seriously. The groups of humans trapped in the alternate world need shelter and a means of support (Penny included), and Clyde finally pushes forward with his desire for ordination. Ministering to not-weres, facing the harsh prejudice against snail sharks, and an unexpected marriage proposal don’t help our protagonist find time to reconnect with God, and she may hit rock bottom before seeing what matters most.
I’ve talked a lot about overarching themes in the previous Penny White books which simplifies the plots significantly by the later installments; however, I can safely say that the core truth of The Weariness of Were-Wolves is dealing with grief. All of the humans have lost the friends and family on Earth, and many of the fantasy residents have bonds on Earth, as well. A harsh attack on a warren of were-rabbits provides a more straightforward example of grief, especially since the were-rabbits firmly believe that they exist to die (ultimate prey animals).
While the title for book 7 specifically mentions werewolves, Penny gains a position ministering in a care home for not-weres of all types, the were creatures that cannot fully change from animal to human and back for various psychological reasons. Chrys Cymri’s explanation for what weres might struggle with as they switch between forms enthralled me, because I had never considered the trauma of changing from a vegetarian animal to an omnivorous form.
I saw reviews that addressed Penny’s relationship with alcohol from book 1, but it never seemed a major topic until The Weariness of Were-Wolves. Penny drank more than seemed healthy, but her life was mostly in order. Book 7 finally examines whether we can call the priest an alcoholic which is painful to read and could be triggering to readers who have dealt with alcohol abuse in their own lives.
The most recent installments of Penny White’s story have tackled darker social issues, so they aren’t always comfort reads, but there is a ribbon of joy and fantasy dancing through them that keeps me coming back. After a stressful day at work, entering Penny’s world felt safe even when my heart hurt for the characters. (Basty and Jago 4EVAH/Clyde for Archbishop!) The Weariness of Were-Wolves is another wonderful addition to Penny’s tale, and, as always, I am eagerly waiting for more.
4.5 Art Therapy Sessions with Were-creatures out of 5
Creative Team: Chrys Cymri (author)
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services, LLC
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