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The following is an interview with writer/director Matt Ritchey regarding the upcoming launch of the play, SHPIDER!. In this interview, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief Barbra Dillon chats with Ritchey about his shared creative process in working with the cast and crew to bring the story to life on the stage, how to purchase tickets for the production, and more!

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief: Congratulations on the upcoming launch of your play, SHPIDER! For those who may be unfamiliar, how would you describe the show’s premise?

Matt Ritchey: SHPIDER! is a meta-comedy B-Movie Creature Feature live on stage! When executives at a failing genre network decide to create their next movie without money-hungry writers, the result is SHPIDER! – a story about a great white shark armed with lasers intended to destroy North Korea that is bitten by a radioactive spider, grows eight legs, and starts eating and lasering everything in sight! Pursued by an egotistical scientist, a sexy Aqualogist, a hard-nosed general, and a beleaguered rideshare driver, the monster takes off up the 405 to destroy Koreatown! But their production quickly goes off the rails and descends into comedic madness. But, y’know, the good kind.

Years ago, I attended a stage production that promoted itself as a “Low-Budget Horror Film for the Stage” that didn’t live up to my expectations, so I decided to write what I had hoped to experience. I based it on the structure of classic ’50s monster movies and an actual dream I had of a great white shark that grew spider legs, climbed out of the Pacific Ocean, and walked into Hollywood to bite my apartment door down and eat me. (I didn’t have a fever or edibles or anything – my subconscious just works this way.)

BD: As the writer and director, what can you tell us about your shared creative process in working with the cast and crew to bring this production to life on the stage?

MR: Casting is always vital, especially when doing a show that relies on a lot of quick transitions. I have a very specific vision of what I want the show to be, but I’m fortunate to have creative actors and crew who suggest new ideas and “level up” the show every rehearsal. Artistic Director Sebastian Munoz is not only a talented and wonderful human, but he’s a brilliant collaborator and professional. All of the Force of Nature production team is doing a terrific job of getting the myriad “low-budget” props and costumes we need, creating original music and sound effects, building the puppets…. Oh yes, there are puppets…. And tackling the large number of cues. Theatre’s a collaborative medium, and I’m lucky to be working with quality people. And have you seen the poster? Katelyn Schiller’s a genius. I’m over-the-moon happy.

BD: At Fanbase Press, our #StoriesMatter initiative endeavors to highlight the impact that stories can have on audiences of various mediums. How do you feel that SHPIDER! may connect with and impact audiences?

MR: I love the #StoriesMatter initiative – I think because TV shows and movies are so abundant and binging is so prevalent as a way to de-stress, we can unfortunately take art, music, and storytelling for granted sometimes. In SHPIDER!, the artisans who create these works are getting passed over to get cheaper “content” out to viewers, regardless of quality. It was written in 2016 and has some themes of corporate greed, misogyny, and toxic fandom that, sadly, are all still relevant eight years later. But it’s all wrapped in high-energy parody – to show how bad things can be in society, you have to reflect that in how your characters think and behave.

BD: The show will be appearing at the Brickhouse Theatre in North Hollywood, CA, during the month of November. Are there any future plans to perform the show at other venues?

MR: Not currently. For now, I’m focusing on this production – it’s fast-paced with a specific style that the cast is committing to and nailing perfectly. Once we pull this off, I’ll maybe relax enough to think about the future.

BD: Are there any other projects – past or current – that you would like to share with our readers?

MR: The last time I worked with Force of Nature, they produced Romeo and Juliet in Hell, a crazy comedy with 14 characters with a similar comedic style. We had a blast and it was widely well-received, hence my wanting to work with them again on SHPIDER! In the meantime, I’m working as a Storycrafter, helping writers refine their projects for stage and screen. (

BD: Lastly, what would you like to tell readers who want to learn more about and purchase tickets for SHPIDER!?

MR: Come expecting to laugh – a lot. The show runs about 70 minutes, then after a short intermission (where you can enjoy a METABOLYTE – a themed cocktail from the show), THE SYFI FOCUS GROUP begins. It’s a series of shorts based on the ideas and comedy of SHPIDER! (Sold separately or both shows together for a discount.)

Visit to purchase tickets.

Thank you! I look forward to seeing you at the theatre!

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief

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