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The following is an interview with Wandering Planet Toys co-founders Doc Wyatt (writer – Essentials, Star Wars Resistance, Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters) and Gavin Hignight (writer – Star Wars Resistance, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and packaging designer Jennifer Moore regarding their return to Kickstarter for the first-ever 1:12 scale, fully articulated action figures of beloved comedy duo: Laurel & Hardy! Timed with Laurel & Hardy’s 100th anniversary, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief Barbra Dillon chats with Wyatt, Hignight, and Moore about what they are most excited about with the new action figure line, the impact of Laurel & Hardy on their own creative paths, the fantastic backer rewards available within the campaign, and more!

Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief: Wandering Planet Toys has truly become a powerhouse in bringing fan-favorite action figures to life!  In returning to Kickstarter, you are now tackling one of the most beloved and well-known comedy teams in history: Laurel & Hardy. What can you share with us about your excitement for working with these characters, especially as we celebrate their 100th anniversary? 

Gavin Hignight:  I AM THRILLED!  As a life-long Laurel & Hardy fan, I can’t believe we potentially get to make these! I say potentially, because like our other lines that have been crowdfunded, we need L&H fans and Kickstarter backers to come in with early support, pledging for pre-ordered figures, etc… as that’s just how niche figure lines like this become reality now… but YES, I am thrilled! I’m super proud and excited for the figures themselves, the black-and-white editions and the packaging. Hopefully, our love and enthusiasm for Stan and Ollie shines through on this project. 

Doc Wyatt: I know that the Laurel & Hardy century mark is right around the corner, but making these figures feels so fresh and original to me. I don’t see other figures like this out there– something that tries to capture the joy of the Golden Age of Hollywood.

BD: Jennifer, as Wandering Planet’s packaging designer, what can you tell us about your creative experience in working alongside Doc and Gavin, as well as your excitement in creating the look and feel of how the Laurel & Hardy characters will be presented to customers? 

Jennifer Moore: Working alongside Doc and Gavin on Laurel & Hardy, as well as on all our previous collaborations, has been an incredible experience. Their creative energy and deep knowledge of the property inspired me to develop a really fun and unique design. The iconic nature of Laurel and Hardy brings so much history and character to the project, and it’s been exciting to translate that into the packaging. The rich visual legacy they’ve left behind is a goldmine of inspiration. I hope that our passion and attention to detail shine through and resonate with customers when they see the final product!

LHLaunchimage 1

BD: Why do you feel that these characters have maintained such an incredible legacy, and why have the performers and their films resonated so strongly with you?

GH: I think the humor and approach of Laurel & Hardy is quite timeless.  Other films, other comedians of the era… maybe some have not aged as well, or the humor is not as relevant now as it was when the films were produced… but the charm, humor, and approach that Stan and Ollie gave to their films, just completely timeless. I think also, because their humor was not mean spirited, they get in scuffs, don’t get me wrong, but it’s always about two best pals, somewhat clueless at times, but best pals, just trying to get by in a world around them that’s not as friendly. Something we can all relate to in any era. It’s a mix of slapstick, dry and wordy humor, they’ve got it all and they blend it so nicely. The Laurel & Hardy short comedies with Hal Roach Studios are in particular my favorite. They were funny then, and they are funny now. 

JM: Laurel and Hardy’s lasting appeal comes from their timeless humor and incredible chemistry. As a designer, I’m really inspired by how instantly recognizable they are—their look and dynamic have become iconic. It’s amazing how their influence has endured for so long, and that kind of lasting visual impact is something all designers strive for!

BD: As if this new action figure line is not enough, you will also be including two brand-new items which will be available through the Kickstarter campaign’s “Studio Special” rewards tier!  What can you share with readers about this backer opportunity?

GH: As with our other campaigns, we wanted to take the opportunity to create some really fun collectibles for fans of an IP that may have not had fun collectibles made in recent years. And as Laurel & Hardy approach their 100th Anniversary (Yes! The pre-ordered figures will be shipping to customers in time for that.), we thought… let’s do a special tier in the campaign, THE STUDIO SPECIAL, that not only provides the backer with both versions of Stan and Ollie (color and black and white) but also a 100th anniversary lapel pin and… a really fun tin Lunch Box, with cartoon Laurel & Hardy from the Larry Harmon Pictures era of the duo. The Lunch Box is perfect as it can serve as a place to store your extra parts for your figures, it will look good on a shelf with your figures… or you can pack your lunch in it and let everyone at the office know what great taste you have in film.  Seriously, though, we’re just making stuff we know we’d love, and this is a way for diehard Laurel & Hardy fans to really get in on the line and celebrate with us.  

DW: The Studio Special is the top tier because it gathers everything from the campaign together, but also adds the pin and lunchbox as collector’s bonuses, which you won’t find anywhere else.

BD: Lastly, what is the best way to learn more about Wandering Planet Toys and your Kickstarter campaign?

GH: The landing page for the campaign is a great place to start!

And our official site

DW: Also, if you have questions you need answered about our campaigns, you can buy any Wandering Planet action figure, whisper your questions into its ear, then sleep. That night, the figure will appear to you in a dream and give you our reply. That’s probably the best way to reach us.


Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief

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