The following is an interview with critically acclaimed writer John Arcudi regarding his new comic book series, Dead Inside, from Dark Horse Comics. In this interview, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief Barbra Dillon chats with Arcudi about the inspiration behind the murder mystery series, the story’s commentary on America’s jail system, his creative process in working with artist Toni Fejzula, and more!
Barbra Dillon, Fanbase Press Editor-in-Chief: Your new creator-owned series, Dead Inside, will be released later this year through Dark Horse Comics. What inspired you to tell this story, and when did you first become aware of jail crime investigations?

John Arcudi: To answer both questions, I became aware of jail crimes investigations years ago and had always hoped I would get a chance to tell a story involving this relatively unknown aspect of the law enforcement field. Fortunately, I finally got my chance.
BD: Why do you feel that readers will connect with Dead Inside’s lead, Detective Linda Caruso, and what can you tell us about her character?
JA: Because she’s a human being. She’s neither a perfect hero nor a cartoon villain. She’s fallible, which is what gets her into the Jail Crimes Division in the first place, but she’s also trying to do her best. Isn’t that all of us?
BD: With state prisons currently being investigated for overcrowding and unsafe conditions for both inmates and police officers, do you feel that Dead Inside acts as a commentary on today’s prison systems?
JA: Not as a whole, but there is commentary within the narrative. Not didactic, but actually in the way that the story is impacted by such conditions. I mean, it’s unavoidable.
BD: What can you tell us about your work with artist Toni Fejzula, and how would you describe your shared creative process?
JA: I’ve been trying to work with Toni for some time. We got a shot at it on an issue of the Lobster Johnson series at DH, but that wasn’t enough. He and I have been going back and forth on Dead Inside to get the tone and feel right, but the truth his, his dark style is ideally suited for the story, so we really were all on the same page from the start.
BD: What makes Dark Horse Comics the perfect publisher for Dead Inside?
JA: I have a long relationship with them, and since Toni and I had already done one book for them, and Toni had also done Veil with Greg Rucka at DH, there was a comfort level and familiarity with the editor, Daniel Chabon. It seemed the best place.
BD: Would you consider adapting the graphic novel to other entertainment media, and, if so, which do you feel would be most fitting for the story?
JA: Sure, it seems a good fit for any number of media.
BD: Are there any upcoming projects on which you are currently working that you would like to share with our readers?
JA: Rumble is still coming out, obviously, and I do have two projects I’m currently working on, but, unfortunately, nothing I can talk about openly; however, I will say that if you are not already buying Island from Image Comics, you really should start.
BD: Lastly, what is the best way for our readers to find more information about Dead Inside and your other work?
JA: On the Dark Horse site, of course, and on their Twitter and Facebook page. But Toni Fejzula and I will also be teasing it on our Twitter and Facebook pages, as well, so lots of ways to keep track!
*Issue #1 of Dead Inside will be available for sale on December 21, 2016. The header image (top) is by Dave Johnson, and the variant cover (right) is by Faith Erin Hicks.